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Irsyad Hanif edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 4 revisions


This guide is purely technical, and assumes that you already have an idea, a terrain, and a loadout in mind for a mission. Refer to "Making a Fun Mission" for help, tips, and inspiration.

Prepping the editor

Once you've downloaded the .zip file in releases, extract the FP_Template.VR folder into ~/Documents/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/(username)/missions. Copy the folder and rename the copied folder as (mission name).(map name). Here are the map names that correlate to the maps:

  • Stratis - .Stratis
  • Altis - .Altis
  • Tanoa - .Tanoa
  • Rahmadi - .Intro
  • Sahrani - .Sara
  • Southern Sahrani - .SaraLite
  • Utes - .utes
  • Malden - .abel
  • Kolgujev - .cain
  • Desert Island - .Desert_Island
  • Nogova - .noe
  • United Sahrani - .Sara_dbe1
  • Napf - .Napf
  • Napf Winter - .NapfWinter
  • Chernarus - .Chernarus
  • Summer Chernarus - .Chernarus_Summer
  • Porto - .Porto
  • Takistan - .Takistan
  • Zargabad - .Zargabad
  • Everon - .eden
  • Takistan Mountains - .Mountains_ACR
  • Bystrica - .Woodland_ACR
  • Bukovina - .Bootcamp_ACR
  • Desert - .Desert_E
  • Proving Grounds - .ProvingGrounds_PMC
  • Shapur - .Shapur_BAF
  • Celle 2 - .mbg_celle2

After that, fire up Arma 3, go to the editor, open up your map, and when it loads, at the top go to Scenario > Open and open up your mission.

Editing the mission

When you open up your mission, you will see a bunch of preplaced units and structures and they may be under the map or over it. Go ahead and place them on a solid surface. The FP Template already includes pre-grouped squads and elements. Feel free to add and delete what you need, but keep note about what units are placed. When you hover over the unit, you should see something like B_Soldier_F. This is the unit name that the loadout script uses to add certain loadouts to certain units. If you add a unit that is not defined to have a loadout, a warning will pop up in game. More detail can be found in the "Making loadouts" section.

AI and the mission

For the sake of framerate, it is best to only pre-place a few AI where contact will be made. Consider defining a patrol around an area so that the AI doesn't look lifeless. As the players progress through the mission, clean up the dead bodies and destroyed vehicles and spawn more enemies ahead of the players. It is helpful to have an assistant Zeus to help you do this.

Making loadouts

The loadout scripts are exported from arsenal, we have a custom arsenal EXPORT function that will create proper loadout scripts, mainly to handle ACRE.

Note that this only works in the GAME, not in EDEN arsenal editor.

Edit _loadout.config.sqf in the folder loadouts after your needs. It works after the unit's classname, which you can see when hovering the unit in the EDEN Editor.

Add or edit the entries in _loadout_config.sqf after the classname and a corresponding script file in loadouts folder. This is a example entry:

["B_officer_F", "plt.sqf"],

It means for units of type "B_officer_F", run the script "plt.sqf" Make sure that the last entry does not have a trailing comma, everyone before that must have it.

For example on how to reuse files, see rifleman_at.sqf, plt.sqf, and pilot.sqf. #include means: take the file and paste it on this line

If you DON'T want to use loadouts, comment or remove line 16 in description.ext It's safe to delete the loadouts folder after that.