Pas2js is an open source Pascal to JavaScript transpiler. It parses Object Pascal and emits JavaScript.
Official site:
- packages - source files needed to compile pas2js programs
- demo - examples
- bin - output folder for binaries, e.g. pas2js.exe
- compiler - source files to compile the compiler. This is an external submodule link.
- units - output folder of compiler ppu/o files
- utils - utilities
You need to install the Free Pascal compiler (fpc), 3.2.0 or better, 32 or 64bit. Either from their website
Or via Lazarus
Or on MacOS via homebrew. On Linux this can be done via your package manager as well if it has the latest version.
The makefile expects the sources of FPC to be present under the compiler
You can copy/clone the FPC sources there, or make a symlink to the FPC sources.
The git repository contains a submodule link to the FPC sources.
You can use this to have an automatically correct version of fpc. This is useful for the fixes
and release
branches, as they automatically get the tested combination of pas2js and fpc sources.
When you do a git clone
, make sure you also specify the --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
If you didn't do this, issue the init and update commands:
git submodule update --init --recursive
This will have the same effect as when you do a --recurse-submodules.
After doing a git pull
or a git switch
, you must also update the submodule:
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
This will pull any upstream changes to your local FPC repository.
To update the submodule 'compiler' do the following: In the Git Synchronization dialog, after the "Pull", click on the "Submodule Update" button.
type the following command:
make all
This creates with a 64-bit fpc the executable bin/x86_64-linux/pas2js
and a basic config file bin/x86_64-linux/pas2js.cfg
Make sure that you use the make.exe
from fpc, not the one from Delphi by setting the
: For example if you installed the 32-bit version of fpc in
set PATH=C:\YourPathOfFPC\3.0.4\bin\i386-win32;%PATH%
If you installed the 64-bit version of fpc in C:\YourPathOfFPC\3.2.0
set PATH=C:\YourPathOfFPC\3.0.4\bin\x86-64-win64;%PATH%
Then compile make all
If you see "Error makefile ... Command syntax error" your "set PATH" was not correct.
When make all
has succesfully finished it created with a 32-bit fpc the executable
and a basic config file
pas2js requires unit search paths (-Fu) in order to find its rtl units and rtl.js. Building and installing should have created a default pas2js.cfg containing those parameters.