Software tools (loader, libraries) to be installed on the host platform (logipi/logibone).
LOGI-BONE Instructions
To install the logi-bone tools, run install_logibone as sudo. This will flash the cape eeprom, install the loader, compile the communication library and setup the python library
LOGI-PI Instructions
To install the logi-pi tools, run install_logipi as sudo. This will install the loader, compile the communication library and install the python library.
For PI2 owners using the LOGIPI R1.1, you'll need to re-compile the loader using the following procedure (in logi-tools):
cd unified_loader
make clean
make logipi_loader PI_VER=PI2
sudo make install
To enable SPI on latest raspbian distro, edit /boot/config.txt (as sudo) and add :
To enable I2C on latest raspbian distro, edit /boot/config.txt (as sudo )and add :
to the file.
also edit /etc/modules (as sudo) and add the line :