This is a simple module for installing and configuring a radvd daemon to announce IPv6 prefixes on an interface. It should work on any Unix-like operating system that is supported by both radvd and puppet.
As of now, all definitions and options that are available in radvd's config file should be supported. Please file a bug if you encounter problems.
class {'radvd':
interfaces => {
'eth0' => {
options => {
'AdvSendAdvert' => 'on',
prefixes => {
'2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::/64' => {},
include 'radvd'
radvd::interface { 'eth0':
options => {
'AdvSendAdvert' => 'on',
prefixes => {
'2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::/64' => {},
radvd::interface { 'eth1':
options => {
'AdvSendAdvert' => 'on',
'MinRtrAdvInterval' => 10,
'MaxRtrAdvInterval' => 30,
prefixes => {
'2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::/64' => {
'AdvOnLink' => 'on',
'AdvAutonomous' => 'on',
rasourceaddresses => [
rdnss => {
'2001:0DB8:2342:cafe::1' => {
'AdvRDNSSLifetime' => 30,
dnssl => {
'' => {
'AdvDNSSLLifetime' => 30,
routes => {
'2001:0DB8:2342:ccc::/64' => {},
clients => [
- Code Documentation
- Spec Tests
Please contribute your code as pull requests if you add or fix code. I will try to merge or comment as soon as possible. Thanks! :)