Simple script for managing Minecraft server ie. starting, stopping, restarting without the need for screen
This script is the result of me being bored.
To check/see the output of the minecraft server either use tail or cat or whatever you want to read the output file.
./ command [arguments]"
usage: ./ pid
description: get process id from server
usage: ./ start
description: starts server.
usage: ./ stop
description: stops servers.
usage: ./ restart
descriptions: restarts server with restart message if configured.
usage: ./ say
description: execute say command on the server with system username infront the message.
usage: ./ status
description: checks if server is running.
usage: ./ reload
description: reload all plugins on the server.
usage: ./ execute [arguments]
description: execute given command on minecraft server. For a list of commands for Vanilla Minecraft server go to