Submitted by: Supreet Singh (CS16BTECH11038)
These algorithms have been toaken from the book Transaction Information Systems (by Vossen)
Note: This requires C++17 and lpthread.
Simply run the following command in the source directory (executable generated is named ccts):
$ ./build.sh
This will generate an executable of the name ccts.
Alternatively, you can do the same using cmake (CMakeLists.txt file has been provided).
Simply run:
$ ./ccts
in a directory with the inp-params.txt
The input parameters are: N (number of threads), M (number of different data items), numTrans (each thread commits these number of transactions), constVal (random num generation for writing), λ (random num generation for sleeping).
The program will create log files for each of the following algorithms:
Also, the average delay to commit (in ms) and the average number of aborts before committing will be output to stdout.