Just another js lib to display small popup messages, using only javascript
In my search for a very simple lib to just display notifications, I got frustrated with the current standing. Turns out we either need to pay the jQuery tax to make this work, or include hundreds of obsolete lines to display a simple toast-like message. So I decided I would make a small tradeoff, less functionality (removing some of the stuff I wouldnt have used anyway), for less code, and thus, faster page loads and less stuff laying around.
Well, if you feel like loading jQuery, a notification library, 10 other jQuery plugins, 950kb background images, and who knows what else, do it. That is your right. I just want to display a simple notification. I dont want it to tween and then tell me the current distance to Mars while also brewing me coffee. So thats what, if you don't want this, move on.
Simply include minitoast.min.js into your website or app (get it from the dist folder).
<script src="path/to/minitoast.min.js"></script>
Then initialise it after inclusion.
var t = new minitoast();
After that, you call the functions as follows.
//Without any messages
//With a message included
t.success('Everything went well');
t.warning('Something was not quite right');
t.error('An error has occured');
t.info('Value changed');
t.default('Some generic message')
Ain't that just too simple? Without jQuery even!
Ovveriding the default properties is super easy, simply access them using dot notation
//Options for notifications
notif: {
timeout: 2500,
stl: {
marginTop: '7px',
marginBottom: '7px',
padding: '12px',
borderRadius : '3px'
headStl: {
margin: '0px',
padding: '0px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
msgStl: {
margin: '0px',
padding: '0px'
//Change them as following
t.opts.notif.stl.marginTop = "9001px"; //Over 9000
* Default messages & colors for the popup
* Colors courtesy of https://flatuicolors.com/
* s - Success
* w - Warning
* e - Error
* i - Information
* d - Default
* Array Props
* [Default message, Message heading, Color, Class name]
msgs: {
s: ['', 'Success', '#27ae60','mini-success'],
w: ['', 'Warning', '#f39c12','mini-warning'],
e: ['', 'Error', '#c0392b','mini-error'],
i: ['', 'Info', '#2980b9','mini-info'],
d: ['', 'Notification', '#2c3e50','mini-default']
//Change them like such
t.opts.msgs.s[0] = "Everthing went superbly!"
Every instance is spawned with a class attached, you can use the class to customise and ovveride the default style. Just write some css, super easy.
/* The main container for all notifications*/
* Your css here
/* A class that is applied to all notifications */
* Your css here
/* The success message */
* Your css here
* Your css here
* Even more of your css here
* Your css here
* Guess what!? More of your css here
- css themes
- more options - if the size impact is not huge