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Task Management System (TMS)

A serverless task management solution built with AWS SAM, featuring real-time notifications, role-based access control, and automated task tracking.

Project Overview

TMS is a cloud-native application that helps teams manage tasks efficiently with features like task assignment, deadline tracking, and automated notifications. Built using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), it provides a scalable and maintainable solution for task management.

Key Features

  • 🔐 Secure authentication and authorization
  • 📋 Task creation, assignment, and tracking
  • 📢 Real-time notifications for task updates
  • ⏰ Automated deadline reminders
  • 👥 Role-based access control (Admin/Team Member)
  • 📊 Task status monitoring
  • 🔄 Automated workflow management


The system is built using the following AWS services:

  • Authentication: Amazon Cognito
  • Database: Amazon DynamoDB
  • Computing: AWS Lambda
  • API Layer: Amazon API Gateway
  • Notifications: Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS
  • Workflow: AWS Step Functions


  • AWS Account
  • AWS SAM CLI installed
  • Node.js 14.x or later
  • Python 3.12 or later
  • AWS CLI configured with appropriate credentials

Project Structure

  • Important Files are listed here
├── user_management/
│   ├──
│   ├── reqirements.txt
├── hello_world/
│   ├──
│   ├── reqirements.txt
├── statemachines/
│   ├── expired_tasks.asl.json
├── tests/
│   ├── unit/
│   ├── integration/
├── template.yaml


  • All API endpoints are secured with Cognito authentication
  • Data is encrypted at rest in DynamoDB
  • Secure communication using HTTPS
  • Role-based access control implemented
  • Environment variables for sensitive data

Related Repositories

Architecture Diagram

graph TB
    subgraph "Authentication" 
        Cognito["🔐 Amazon Cognito<br/>User Pool"]
        IdentityPool["🔑 Cognito<br/>Identity Pool"]

    subgraph "Frontend"
        WebApp["💻 Angular<br/>Web Application"]

    subgraph "Storage"
        DDB["📦 Amazon DynamoDB<br/>Tasks Table"]

    subgraph "Notification System"
        SNS1["📢 SNS Topic:<br/>Task Assignment"]
        SNS2["📢 SNS Topic:<br/>Task Deadline"]
        SNS3["📢 SNS Topic:<br/>Task Completion"]
        SNS4["📢 SNS Topic:<br/>Closed Tasks"]
        SNS5["📢 SNS Topic:<br/>Reopened Tasks"]

    subgraph "Message Processing"
        SQS1["📫 SQS:<br/>Task Assignment Queue"]
        SQS2["📫 SQS:<br/>Deadline Queue"]

    subgraph "Step Functions"
        SF["⚙️ User Subscription<br/>Workflow"]

    subgraph "Lambda Functions"
        L1["λ Subscribe User<br/>To Topic"]
        L2["λ Process Deadline<br/>Notification"]
        L3["λ Get Tasks"]
        L4["λ Update Task"]
        L5["λ Get Task By ID"]
        L6["λ Delete Task"]

    %% Connections
    WebApp -->|"Authenticates"| Cognito
    Cognito -->|"Provides Tokens"| IdentityPool
    IdentityPool -->|"Assumes Roles"| WebApp

    WebApp -->|"CRUD Operations"| DDB
    L3 & L4 & L5 & L6 -->|"Access"| DDB

    SF -->|"Manages Subscriptions"| L1
    L1 -->|"Subscribe Users"| SNS1
    L1 -->|"Subscribe Users"| SNS2
    L1 -->|"Subscribe Users"| SNS3
    L1 -->|"Subscribe Users"| SNS4
    L1 -->|"Subscribe Users"| SNS5

    SNS1 -->|"Notifications"| SQS1
    SNS2 -->|"Notifications"| SQS2

    SQS1 -->|"Triggers"| L2
    SQS2 -->|"Triggers"| L2

    classDef aws fill:#FF9900,stroke:#232F3E,stroke-width:2px,color:white;
    class Cognito,IdentityPool,DDB,SNS1,SNS2,SNS3,SNS4,SNS5,SQS1,SQS2,SF,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6 aws;



Uesr Subscription Workflow