Projects related to the Codecademy Full-Stack Engineer training.
- NA
- Hello world (HTML)
- Dev project (HTML + CSS)
- Dasmoto (HTML + CSS)
- HTML Table: Tables tags definition (HTML + CSS)
- PupSpa (Grid styling)
- Task Board (Grid styling)
- Tsunami Coffee (Responsive website)
- Fotomatic (Fixing a non responsive website)
- Kelvin Weather - Kelvin to Celsius to Fahrenheit converter of a fixed value (JS)
- Dog Years - Human age to dog age converter (JS)
- Magic Eight Ball (JS)
- Race Day (JS)
- Rock, Paper or Scissors (JS)
- Sleep Debt Calculator (JS)
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA