To create a website where you can search for songs and the accompanying lyrics, then play the song while having a voice reader 'sing' along with you.
Trello Agile Board:
- [User Story 1] As a User, I am able to search for music and play it as audio or video, one song at a time with lyrics view, so that I don't need to download the music in my PC to listen to it.
- [User Story 2] As a User, I am able to view a catalogue of musics and choose from it, so that I can receive recommendations from the site in case I do not know what to listen to.
- [User Story 3] As a User, I am able to trigger artificial singer to sing the song with me using text-to-speech API, so that I can sing along with the artificial singer.
- [User Story 4] As a User, I am able to view all historical musics that I have played, so that I am able to refer to a music where I may have forgotten the title.
- [User Story 5] As a User, I am able to add a music to my favourite list so that if I enjoyed it, I can refer to it.
- [User Story 6] As a User, I am able to navigate the website without difficulty, so that I can have a pleasant user experience.
- Axios for frontend communication with servers by making http requests
- React for building user interface
- React Router Dom for webpage routing
- React Youtube for customizable YouTube Player options
- Lodash for common utility functions
Access our website at
You can also run it with 'npm start', which will host the site at http://localhost:3000/