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vim configuration - Optimized for azerty keyboard layout

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VIM Configuration

This repository hosts my vim configuration.

For neovim configuration, see here :

How to install on Linux ?

1) git clone --depth=1 ~/.vim_runtime

2) run ./

How to install on Windows ?

1) git clone --depth=1 %USERPROFILE%/.vim_runtime

2) run install.bat

How to update to latest version?

Just do a git rebase!

cd ~/.vim_runtime
git pull --rebase

And run (or install.bat) to update vimrc configuration file

Cheat Sheet

Rotatable color schemes

Default GUI : auy (light theme), dracula (dark theme)
Default Terminal : apprentice (dark theme)
Dark theme : anderson, atom-dark256, apprentice, codedark, gruvbox8, minimalist, 
             molokai, mustang, monokai(sublime text), nord, seoul, space-vim-dark
Light theme : ayu (dark available), seoul256-light, pencil


Click to expand

Leader key

leader =

Normal mode mappings


Mapping Action
<leader>w Save buffer
:W Save as sudo (linux)
<leader>fr Find/Replace highlighted text
<leader> noh
<leader>m Remove bad formatting ^M
<leader>f Search current buffer using Ilist

Move between Windows

Mapping Action
<C-h> Left
<C-l> Right


Mapping Action
<leader>bn New buffer
<leader>bd or ! Close buffer
<leader>ba Close all buffers
<bs> Navigate alternate buffer
<leader>h Navigate previous
<leader>l Navigate next
<leader>e Edit in current buffer's path
<leader>x Scratch txt
<leader>d: Scratch Markdown
<leader>s Scratch SQL


Mapping Action
<leader>tn New tab
<leader>to Tab Only
<leader>tc Close tab
<leader><bs> Alternate tab
<leader>te Edit new tab in current buffer's path

Editing mappings

Paste inner object quickly

Mapping Action
<leader>p "0p


Mapping Action
g= Equalize entire document
gQ Format entire document

Visual mode mappings

Mapping Action
* Search current selection
# Search current selection backward
<leader>r Replace visual selection

Command line mappings

Mapping Action
:W Write sudo

Various mappings

Mapping Action
F3 Neoformat
F4 UndoTreeToggle
F8 Toggle quickfix window
F9 Toggle CtrlSF
F10 Rotate colorschemes
<M-0> Set font bigger (gui only)
<M-9> Set font smaller (gui only)

Plugins usage


Mapping Action
,, Generate emmet


Mapping Action
gl{to-m}= Right Align with =
gL{to-m}= Left Align with =


Mapping Action
Subvert Search Command
crs Coerce to snake_case
crm Coerce to MixedCase
crc Coerce to CamelCase
cru Coerce to UPPER_CASE
cr- Coerce to dash-case
cr. Coerce to dot-case
cr Coerce to space case
crt Coerce to Title Case


Mapping Action
cx{to-motion} Exchange with text object or motion
cxx Exchange lines


Mapping Action
{"reg}gr{to-motion} Paste register content on text object or motion
{"reg}{motion}grr Paste register content on lines

vim-sandwich with surroung mappings

Mapping Action
cs"= Change surround
css" Change surround on line (detect surrouding)
ys{motion}" Add surround
yss" Add surround on line
ds" Delete surround
dss Delete surround on line
S" Add surround on visual selection


Mapping Action
gof Open current buffer directory
got Open current buffer directory on terminal


Mapping Action
( and ) Map keys
(t, )t Switch between tabs
(b, )b Switch between buffers
yo[r,n,w,x,....] Toggle Options
(space, )space, 10)space, (e, )e Lines operations


Mapping Action
<c-p> Files (t to open file in tab)
<leader>, Buffers
<leader>; BLines
<leader>u MRU
<leader>co Commands


Mapping Action
RainbowToggle Toggle coloring


Mapping Action
F10 / <S-F10> Rotate Forward/Backward


Mapping Action
TranposeCSV ,


Mapping Action
gs{motion} gs3j, gsi(,

ultisnips and vim-snippets

Mapping Action
<Tab> Expand
<Tab> Jump forward
<S-Tab> Jump backward


Mapping Action
<leader>* Find selected word
F9 Toggle CtrlSF result Window
<leader>/ Prompt or Exec in Visual Mode


Mapping Action
ym / YM Yank highlighted search lines (YM for inverse)
dm / DM Delete highlighteed search line (DM for inverse)


Mapping Action
up/down/left/right After a selection in visual mode, drag using arrow key
D Duplicate in Visual Mode

custom text-objects

Mapping Action
ciq, daq Quotes q
vic, vac, viC, vaC Columns c
cii, dai Indents i
cin(l)q, dai, ci,, ci=, .. Targets
cil, yil Line l
yie, cie Entire e

Miscellaneous Commands

Mapping Action
ListLeaders Show all leader mappings
VisualBlock Activate visual block mode
SortByWitdh Sort lines by width
WipeReg Clean all registers
RemoveTrailingSpaces Remove spaces

Custom Docs

Regexp search/replace pattern

:h fztips
:h fzvimtips

Plugins list

How to uninstall

Just do following:

  • Remove ~/.vim_runtime
  • Remove any lines that reference .vim_runtime in your ~/.vimrc
