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Releases: frc-frecon/frecon

Version 1.5.0: New VERSION/ENVIRONMENT Layout, Remove Coveralls

31 Aug 17:55
@rye rye
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We aren't using Coveralls anymore for coverage data, so we've removed the dependency on that from the project.

We've introduced a new Version class which will hopefully make changing versions mildly easier. It also makes the frecon/base/variables file into a hub file, which is good if we decide we want to add more configuration possibilities.

Expect more soon! ✨

Version 1.4.1: Dependency Updates

03 Aug 16:52
@rye rye
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In this release, we've done a little bit of whitespace consistency work and updating of our CI config, as well as some dependency updates. No functional changes have been made, really, besides these dependency updates. This is a quick release before we move into 1.5.0 with some of our bigger refactoring changes.

Version 1.4.0: Some Cleanup, Updating

05 Jul 17:49
@rye rye
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In this release, we did a couple of small things with the project as a whole which will mean more granular control over how things work for end developers.

Previously, we had had a lot of implied dependency on things being loaded prior to loading a file (for instance, our model files didn't actually specify that they needed Mongoid to be loaded—we just assumed that one would load Mongoid prior to doing so, since requiring frecon/models would require mongoid before loading the rest of the files)

In this release, the most significant change that we have introduced is in this; we now require dependencies for a given file. This means that requiring one specific file out of FReCon should work very elegantly, and makes testing much easier. We also tightened the rules for so-called "hub" files, (e.g. frecon/models) forcing them to stick closer to their purpose and not require any additional files to combat the aforementioned problem.

A small amount of work on the test suite has been done as well. We also cleaned up the README a bit, and added OS X installation instructions for MongoDB, our primary dependency. We upgraded from Mongoid 4 to Mongoid 5. (and, in turn, updated the packaged mongoid.yml file) We also switched from HTTParty to http.rb, which nets us performance improvements for our FReCon Scraper.

We also made a small change to the Database.setup! method which allows for the proper configuration of a Logger level; previously it was set but then overwritten.

Beyond that, nothing else has changed. Expect more in the future! ✨

Version 1.3.3: Some fixes and improvements

19 Mar 01:43
@rye rye
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In this release, two notable bugs, #94 and #97, were fixed. We also added a couple of development dependencies and tweaked a couple of things like that. Besides that, nothing new to report.

Version 1.3.2: Single Quotes

08 Dec 23:11
@rye rye
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This is yet another tedious release with hardly any functional changes. However, we've switched from using double quotes primarily to using single quotes in their place. This will make it easier for other developers who are used to using single quotes to collaborate.

Now on to things with greater grandness!

Version 1.3.1: Service Improvements, Spec and BSON Monkey Patch Fixes

05 Dec 21:28
@rye rye
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This release includes hardly any functional change besides some tweaks to the README. We also brought in a number of services and reworked the README with their new badges.

One fix was completed, and that was for #87, where requiring frecon/base/bson would produce unexpected behavior. That problem has been ironed out now, and we're rolling! More exciting stuff will come soon.

Version 1.3.0: Rework of Configuration System

29 Oct 01:19
@rye rye
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FReCon's previous configuration system was a bit convoluted. We had code for loading configurations, but we had a separate set of environment methods within the FReCon module itself.

Inspiring this release, we realized that a Configuration is actually—really—a part of the environment, and so this release involves merging the two together into a unified Environment class.

You can access the new Environment via the FReCon::ENVIRONMENT constant now, and you can get the old symbol value like this:

# => :development

Besides that, not much has changed. We made some tweaks to the Travis CI configuration as well, but nothing that changes userspace.

Version 1.2.0: Start of CI and testing

05 Oct 14:24
@rye rye
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No new functionality has been added, but we added a test suite and started work on that. This release is to bring in the new development dependencies for that, and the new files.

Version 1.1.0: XDG Base Directory Compliance, Developer Scripts

19 Sep 00:18
@rye rye
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Not much has changed, but a Shiny New Feature™ is included in this release: a bit of XDG Base Directory Specification compliance. Now, if you supply a XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable when you start FReCon, we'll use that instead of our default of ~/.config.

Further work is needed to group the configuration and environment gathering together, so that we have a unified system which is capable of doing much more.

Also included in this release are some development scripts to make testing stuff a bit easier. You don't need to memorize commands.

Version 1.0.0: Hello, World!

01 Sep 23:28
@rye rye
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We're super proud of this, but not much has changed since the previous releases!

Read the Wiki and README if this is the first release you're seeing!

Please, read through the release notes for previous releases if you want a glimpse at the development timeline and how stuff has gone so far.

✨ 🎉 🎈