The user authentication part is also implemented in order to retrieve both public and private photos with the original format. And, the meta info including title, descriptions, tags, photosets and visibility will be migrated as well.
Step 1 Go to to get your own API key and API secret
Step 2 Update config.php to have your newly created API key and API secret in it
=== Step 3-5 require you to sign in with the source Flickr account ===
Step 3 php auth.php
Step 4 Follow instructions you'll get from Step#3 to get oauth_token, oauth_token_secret and user_id
Step 5 Update config.php and update src_oauth_token={value_you_get_from_step_4), oauth_token_secret={value_you_get_from_step_4) and src_user_id={value_you_get_from_step_4)
=== Step 6 require you to sign in with the destination Flickr account ===
Step 6 Repeat Step#3 - 5 to set up dest_oauth_token and dest_oauth_token_secret in config.php
Step 7 php main.php&