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PinDMD3: How to flash a new firmware

freezy edited this page May 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

First, you need to retrieve the serial number (a.k.a KUID) of your PinDMD3, so the manufacturer (@russdx) can create one for you.

⚠️ If you're flashing a firmware compiled for another KUID, your DMD will stop working!

1. Get the KUID

  1. Download and install PuTTY, the de-facto standard SSH client for Windows, which also can connect to serial ports.

  2. Open PuTTY, switch the Connection type to Serial, and enter COM3 in the Serial line field. If your display uses a different COM port, enter that port.

  3. You'll then see an empty console, waiting for commands to be sent over the serial port:


  4. Now, paste AT+KUID into the console, and you'll immediately see your KUID displayed. You can paste by clicking the right mouse button on the console window.


  5. Copy that serial (just select it with the mouse cursor), and send it to @russdx.

2. Flash the Firmware

You'll be getting a .bin file from @russdx. Save it to your harddrive.

  1. Go to, and click on the "FILES" folder icon, under PinDMD 3:


  2. Navigate to dfu and download

  3. Extract, and run DFU.exe. There, select your downloaded firmware:


  4. Click Upload, and you're done.

Why would I do that anyway?

DMD Extensions uses a frame format for coloring that firmware versions below 01014 don't support. This frame format is used when the colored ROM adds two more bits to each pixel, resulting in 16 colors instead of four. It allows DMD Extensions to send a 4-bit frame along with a palette, which is much more efficient than sending an RGB24 frame.

This solves the problem of video modes in coloring mode being impossible to play due to the added lag of the inefficient format.

Note 1

For more efficient coloring, version 1.8.0 of DMD Extensions falsely checks the firmware against 01013, while it should be checked against 01014. This has been fixed right after releasing 1.8.0, so any snapshot of 1.8.1 will send the correct frame format.

This is only important if:

  • You have a PinDMD3
  • Your firmware is 01013
  • You make use of the colored DMD feature (pin2dmd .vni and .pal files).

You'll notice the problem when your animations on your DMD suddenly stop during the game (see #226).

Note 2

There was an issue where the manufacturer of the LED modules switched the green/blue channels of the dots without announcing it. So there are PinDMD3s out there with reversed channels, and some with correct channels. That's the reason why you have probably received two firmware versions from @russdx, one with correct channels, and one with reversed channels. Pick the one that works for you.

How to contact @russdx?

The only reason to upgrade your firmware is currently because of #119, so post your KUID there.