This API provides a Client for the JSONPlaceholder API
This Symfony 2 project uses basic bundles/components such as:
Your environment must be setup with composer:
composer update
app/console server:run
Using the id query parameter:
# Using httpie
http \
id[]==4 \
>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> Cache-Control: no-cache
>>> Connection: close
>>> Content-Type: application/json
>>> Host:
>>> X-Debug-Token: 702834
>>> X-Debug-Token-Link:
>>> X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.22
>>> [
>>> {
>>> "body": "ullam et saepe reiciendis voluptatem adipisci\nsit amet autem assumenda provident rerum culpa\nquis hic commodi nesciunt rem tenetur doloremque ipsam iure\nquis sunt voluptatem rerum illo velit",
>>> "post_id": 4,
>>> "title": "eum et est occaecati",
>>> "user": {
>>> "email": null,
>>> "id": 1,
>>> "name": null
>>> }
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "body": "ut aspernatur corporis harum nihil quis provident sequi\nmollitia nobis aliquid molestiae\nperspiciatis et ea nemo ab reprehenderit accusantium quas\nvoluptate dolores velit et doloremque molestiae",
>>> "post_id": 6,
>>> "title": "dolorem eum magni eos aperiam quia",
>>> "user": {
>>> "email": null,
>>> "id": 1,
>>> "name": null
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]
Default parameters queries the following Post IDs (35, 48, 91, 150)
# Using httpie
>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> Cache-Control: no-cache
>>> Connection: close
>>> Content-Type: application/json
>>> Host:
>>> X-Debug-Token: ea91a2
>>> X-Debug-Token-Link:
>>> X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.22
>>> [
>>> {
>>> "body": "nisi error delectus possimus ut eligendi vitae\nplaceat eos harum cupiditate facilis reprehenderit voluptatem beatae\nmodi ducimus quo illum voluptas eligendi\net nobis quia fugit",
>>> "post_id": 35,
>>> "title": "id nihil consequatur molestias animi provident",
>>> "user": {
>>> "email": null,
>>> "id": 4,
>>> "name": null
>>> }
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "body": "voluptates quo voluptatem facilis iure occaecati\nvel assumenda rerum officia et\nillum perspiciatis ab deleniti\nlaudantium repellat ad ut et autem reprehenderit",
>>> "post_id": 48,
>>> "title": "ut voluptatem illum ea doloribus itaque eos",
>>> "user": {
>>> "email": null,
>>> "id": 5,
>>> "name": null
>>> }
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "body": "libero voluptate eveniet aperiam sed\nsunt placeat suscipit molestias\nsimilique fugit nam natus\nexpedita consequatur consequatur dolores quia eos et placeat",
>>> "post_id": 91,
>>> "title": "aut amet sed",
>>> "user": {
>>> "email": null,
>>> "id": 10,
>>> "name": null
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]