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document/test JF: symbolicMatrix()
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friendly committed Aug 2, 2024
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184 changes: 158 additions & 26 deletions dev/symbolicMatrix.R
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@@ -1,47 +1,174 @@
symbolicMatrix <- function(symbol="x", nrow="m", ncol="n", matrix="pmatrix",

#' Create a Symbolic Matrix for LaTeX
#' @description
#' Constructs the latex code for a symbolic matrix, like:
#' \preformatted{
#' \\begin{pmatrix}
#' x_{11} & x_{12} & \\dots & x_{1m} \\
#' x_{21} & x_{22} & \\dots & x_{2m} \\
#' \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\
#' x_{n1} & x_{n2} & \\dots & x_{nm}
#' \\end{pmatrix}
#' }
#' Alternatively, the number of rows and/or columns can be integers, generating a matrix of given size.
#' The function prints the resulting code to the console, or, using \code{\link[clipr]{write_clip}}, can be copied to the console,
#' or can be used used in a markdown chunk in a \code{Rmd} or \code{qmd} document, e.g,
#' \preformatted{
#' ```{r results = "asis"}
#' symbolicMatrix("\\lambda", nrow=3, ncol=3, diag=TRUE, lhs = "\\boldsymbol{\\Lambda}")
#' ```
#' }
#' @details
#' This implementation assumes that the LaTeX \code{amsmath} package will be available because it uses the shorthands
#' \code{\\begin{pmatrix}}, ... rather than \code{\\left( \begin{array} ... \end{array} \\right)}.
#' This function is experimental. Other features may be added. E.g., it would be nice to
#' * Specify exponents for the matrix elements, e.g, a diagonal matrix of square roots of eigenvalues, \code{\lambda_i^{1/2}}
#' * Specify "accents" for the symbols, e.g., when you want the elements to be \code{\\widehat{\\beta}_{ij}}.
#' @param symbol name for matrix elements, character string. For LaTeX symbols, the backslash must be escaped, e.g, \code{\\beta}.
#' @param nrow Number of rows, a single character representing rows symbolically, or an integer, generating
#' that many rows.
#' @param ncol Number of columns, a single character representing columns symbolically, or an integer, generating
#' that many columns.
#' @param matrix Character string giving the LaTeX matrix environment used in \code{\\begin{}}, \code{\\end{}}. Typically one of
#' \code{"pmatrix"} (uses parentheses \code{"(", ")"});
#' \code{"bmatrix"} (uses square brackets \code{"[", "]"});
#' \code{"Bmatrix"} (uses braces \code{"{", "}"};),
#' \code{"vmatrix"} (uses vertical bars \code{"|", "|"});
#' \code{"Vmatrix"} (uses doublevertical bars \code{"||", "||"});
#' \code{"matrix"} (generates a plain matrix without delimeters).
#' @param diag logical; if \code{TRUE}, off-diagonal elements are all 0 (and \code{nrow} must == \code{ncol})
#' @param comma logical; if \code{TRUE}, commas are inserted between row and column subscripts
#' @param exponent if specified, e.g., "-1", or "1/2", the exponent is applied to the matrix
#' @param transpose if TRUE, the transpose symbol "\\top" is appended to the matrix; may
#' also be a character string, e.g., \code{"T"}, \code{"\\prime"}, \code{"\textsf{T}"}
#' @param lhs optional LaTeX expression, e.g, "\\boldsymbol{\\Lamda}", for left-hand side of an equation
#' with the matrix on the right-hand side.
#' @param print logical; print the LaTeX code for the matrix on the console?; default: \code{TRUE}
#' @returns Returns invisibly the LaTeX representation of the matrix as a character sting.
#' Use \code{cat()} to display it at the console, or \code{clipr::write_clip()} to copy it to the clipboard
#' @author John Fox
#' @export
#' @examples
#' symbolicMatrix()
#' # return value
#' mat <- symbolicMatrix(print = FALSE)
#' str(mat)
#' cat(mat)
#' # copy to clipboard
#' clipr::write_clip(mat)
#' # numeric rows/cols
#' symbolicMatrix(ncol=3)
#' symbolicMatrix(nrow=4)
#' symbolicMatrix(nrow=4, ncol=4)
#' # diagonal matrices
#' symbolicMatrix(nrow=3, ncol=3, diag=TRUE)
#' symbolicMatrix(nrow="n", ncol="n", diag=TRUE)
#' # commas, exponents, transpose
#' symbolicMatrix("\\beta", comma=TRUE, exponent="-1")
#' symbolicMatrix("\\beta", comma=TRUE, transpose=TRUE)
#' symbolicMatrix("\\beta", comma=TRUE, exponent="-1", transpose=TRUE)

symbolicMatrix <- function(

# Args:
# symbol: for matrix elements, character string
# nrow: number of rows, can be a character
# ncol: number of columns, can be a character
# matrix: LaTeX matix environment
# diag: if TRUE, off-diagonal elements are all 0 (and nrow must == ncol)

# comma: if TRUE, commas are inserted between row and column subscripts
# exponent: if specified, e.g., "-1", the exponent is applied to the matrix
# transpose: if TRUE, the transpose symbol "\\top" is appended to the
# matrix; may also be a character, e.g., "T".
# lhs: optional LaTeX expression, e.g, "\\boldsymbol{\\Lamda}", for
# left-hand side of an equation with the matrix on the right-hand side.
# print: print the LaTeX code for the matrix on the console

if (is.numeric(nrow)){
if (round(nrow) != nrow || nrow <= 0)
stop("nrow is not a positive whole number")

if (is.numeric(ncol)){
if (round(ncol) != ncol || ncol <= 0)
stop("ncol is not a positive whole number")

comma <- if (comma) "," else ""
if (isTRUE(transpose)) transpose <- "\\top"
if (!missing(exponent) && !isFALSE(transpose)){
exponent <- paste0("{", exponent, "^", transpose, "}")
transpose <- FALSE

row.elements <- c(symbol, symbol, "\\cdots", symbol)
col.subscripts <- c("1", "2", "", ncol)
left.sub <- c("_{", "_{", "", "_{")
right.sub <- c("}", "}", "", "}")
post.element <- c(" & ", " & ", " & ", " \\\\ \n")
result <- paste0("\\begin{", matrix, "} \n")

result <- paste0(if (!missing(lhs)) paste0(lhs, " = "),
"\\begin{", matrix, "} \n")

if (diag){
zero <- paste0("0", paste(rep(" ", nchar(symbol) + 3), collapse=""))
if (nrow != ncol) stop("nrow and ncol must be the same if diag = TRUE")
if (is.numeric(nrow)){
mat <- matrix("0", nrow, nrow)
mat <- matrix(zero, nrow, nrow)
diag(mat) <- paste0(symbol, "_{", 1:nrow, "}")
} else {
mat <- matrix("0", 4, 4)
mat[3, ] <- "\\vdots"
mat[, 3] <- "\\cdots"
mat[3, 3] <- "\\ddots"
mat[cbind(c(1, 2, 4), c(1, 2, 4))] <- paste0(symbol,
c("_1", "_2", paste0("_{", nrow, "}")))
mat <- matrix(zero, 4, 4)
mat[3, ] <- paste0("\\vdots",
paste0(paste(rep(" ", max(0, nchar(symbol) - 2)),
collapse = "")))
mat[, 3] <- paste0("\\cdots",
paste0(paste(rep(" ", max(0, nchar(symbol) - 2)),
collapse = "")))
mat[3, 3] <- paste0("\\ddots",
paste0(paste(rep(" ", max(0, nchar(symbol) - 2)),
collapse = "")))
mat[cbind(c(1, 2, 4), c(1, 2, 4))] <-
paste0(symbol, c("_{1}", "_{2}", paste0("_{", nrow, "}")))
if (is.character(nrow)) nrow <- 4
for (i in 1:nrow){
result <- paste0(result, " ")
for (j in 1:nrow){
result <- paste0(result, mat[i, j], if (j == nrow) " \\\\ \n" else " & ")
result <- paste0(result, mat[i, j],
if (j == nrow) " \\\\ \n" else " & ")
} else if (is.character(nrow)){
vdots <- paste0("\\vdots",
paste(rep(" ", nchar(symbol) - 1), collapse = ""))
vdots <- paste0("\\vdots",
paste0(paste(rep(" ", nchar(symbol) - 1), collapse = ""),
if (comma == ",") " "))
row.subscripts <- c("1", "2", "", nrow)
if (is.character(ncol)){
vdots <- paste0(vdots, " & ", vdots, " & ",
if (nrow != ncol) " & " else "\\ddots & ",
vdots <- paste0(vdots, " & ", vdots, " & ",
if (nrow != ncol) " & " else "\\ddots & ",
vdots, " \\\\ \n")
for (i in 1:4){
result <- paste0(result, " ")
Expand All @@ -50,8 +177,8 @@ symbolicMatrix <- function(symbol="x", nrow="m", ncol="n", matrix="pmatrix",
for (j in 1:4){
result <- paste0(result, row.elements[j], left.sub[j],
if (j !=3) row.subscripts[i],
result <- paste0(result, row.elements[j], left.sub[j],
if (j !=3) paste0(row.subscripts[i], comma),
right.sub[j], post.element[j])
Expand All @@ -66,7 +193,8 @@ symbolicMatrix <- function(symbol="x", nrow="m", ncol="n", matrix="pmatrix",
for (j in 1:ncol){
result <- paste0(result,
paste0(symbol, "_{", row.subscripts[i], if (ncol > 1) j, "}",
paste0(symbol, "_{", row.subscripts[i],
if (ncol > 1) paste0(comma, j), "}",
if (j == ncol) " \\\\ \n" else " & ")
Expand All @@ -76,8 +204,8 @@ symbolicMatrix <- function(symbol="x", nrow="m", ncol="n", matrix="pmatrix",
for (i in 1:nrow){
result <- paste0(result, " ")
for (j in 1:4){
result <- paste0(result, row.elements[j], left.sub[j],
if (j !=3 && nrow > 1) i,
result <- paste0(result, row.elements[j], left.sub[j],
if (j !=3 && nrow > 1) paste0(i, comma),
right.sub[j], post.element[j])
Expand All @@ -86,13 +214,17 @@ symbolicMatrix <- function(symbol="x", nrow="m", ncol="n", matrix="pmatrix",
for (i in 1:nrow){
result <- paste0(result, " ")
for (j in 1:ncol){
result <- paste0(result, symbol, "_{", if (nrow > 1) i,
result <- paste0(result, symbol, "_{", if (nrow > 1) i,
if (nrow > 1 && ncol > 1) comma,
if (ncol > 1) j, "}",
if (j == ncol) " \\\\ \n" else " & ")
result <- paste0(result, "\\end{", matrix, "} \n")
result <- paste0(result, "\\end{", matrix, "}",
if (!missing(exponent)) paste0("^{", exponent, "}"),
if (!isFALSE(transpose)) paste0("^", transpose),
if (print) cat(result)

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