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hairys edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

Thanks for this Tool!!!

Hello I'm trying to get in touch of Frifox/Hariys whoever is currently working on this project. Recently I've been experimenting with this and it works great job well done I'm not trying to knock you.

However, Many of us out there would really appreciate a version of this that removes all the extras excluding DPS Meter and HP bar to use for raids we just don't use any of the other features and some people feel that running this with those other features is very dangerous to their account's. It's not allowed by terms of service either way but it would maybe get more users using this tool if you have an only DPS reader version. Additionally and more to the main point my idea to improve this program would be if there was a way to see all player current dps so if someone is not pulling their weight you can find and remove the issue in a raid.

Thanks again for this tool keep up the great work!!!!

Also one bug however minor with base vitality in the players list it shows +192 it's not 100% accurate I had a friend strip naked and remove all skills ect. showed +192.

MOD EDIT: You should probably make this into an issue so we can see it. Nobody checks the wiki.

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