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Alertmanager Resource Build Status

A Concourse resource to interact with Prometheus Alertmanager, allowing you to silence certain alerts and to expire silences.

Source Configuration

Field Required Type Description
url Y String Alertmanager URL. If alertmanager is protected by an username and password, specify them at the URL (ie http://user:[email protected]).

Note: Self signed SSL certificates are not yet supported, in this case, use the http schema.


check: Does nothing.

in: Fetch a silence.

Places the following file in the destination directory:

  • silence: Contains the id of the silence created by an out step.

out: Silence an alert or expire a silence.

Performs one of the following actions:


Field Required Type Description
operation Y String Operation to perform: silence or expire
Silence parameters
Field Required Type Description
matchers Y String The matcher groups to silence [1]
creator N String The email of the silence creator
comments N String A comment to help describe the silence (defaults to the CI pipeline URL)
expires N String Duration of the silence (defaults to 1h)

[1] The following examples will attempt to show the matcher behaviour in action:

Matcher Behaviour
service=cf will add a silence that matches alerts with the service=cf label value pair set
alertname=CFCellUnhealthy service=cf will add a silence for the CFCellUnhealthy alert and matches the service=cf label value pair set
alertname=~CF.* the =~ syntax (similar to prometheus) is used to represent a regex match (regex matching can be used in combination with a direct match)
Expire parameters
Field Required Type Description
silence Y String The path of the silence to expire (a directory containing the silence file)

Example Configuration

Resource Type

  - name: alertmanager-resource
    type: docker-image
      repository: frodenas/alertmanager-resource


  - name: alertmanager
    type: alertmanager-resource


The below example manages multiple silences at the same plan. The silence parameter for expire operations is the name of the step who created the silence. Normally this is just the same as the name of the resource, but if you have custom names for put (for example if you need to silence multiple alerts), you would put that name instead. For example:

  - name: backups
      - put: silence-cf-alerts
        resource: alertmanager
          operation: silence
          matchers: "service=cf"
          expires: 30m

      - put: silence-mysql-alerts
        resource: alertmanager
          operation: silence
          matchers: "service=mysql severity=warning"
          expires: 30m

      ... do my stuff ...

      - put: expire-cf-silence
        resource: alertmanager
          operation: expire
          silence: silence-cf-alerts

      - put: expire-mysql-silence
        resource: alertmanager
          operation: expire
          silence: silence-mysql-alerts


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Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.