Skill based system for ROS (SkiROS) standard library from the RVMI lab, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
Last readME update: 25/05/2016
Compatibility: Has been tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo.
The repository is a collection of plugins for the SkiROS system, for more information refer to the SkiROS package readME.
This repository provide SkiROS with a minimal collection of plugins to try out the framework. In particular, it is provided a task planner, a reasoner for spatial relations, a set of fake skills (drive, pick and place) and a fake module to locate objects.
- skiros_std_lib: holds launch file to launch a skiros with fake skills and an example world model. script to install dependencies. (meta-package)
- skiros_lib_modules: holds locate dummy module
- skiros_lib_skill_dummy: holds drive, pick and place, dummy skills
- skiros_lib_reasoner: holds aau spatial reasoner, to reason about poses and sizes
- task_planners: holds fast downward planner implementation
- utils: holds support packages
- skiros core framework
- fast-downward task planner
To install the fast-downward planner, user can run the script "skiros_std_lib/scripts/", specifing the folder of installation (note: this should never change afterwards).
The packages can be compiled using catkin.
These plugins can be loaded into the SkiROS framework. To launch the system:
- roslaunch skiros_std_lib skiros_system_fake_skills.launch