About | Features | API | Installation | License
Short-URL is used to make six characters URL and it can be retrived at lightning speed. Try it out.
It has an amazing API for getting the click details of each shorturl that has been clicked.
- Built six characters long links.
- TSL based encryptions for all the URLs.
- RESTful based API to get the click counts.
- API for getting click details which includes its IP, Location and TimeStamp etc.
- API supports searching click details by city, country or IP.
- Google reCaptcha is implemented to prevent from bots.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r and {days} = 7. Try it out here.
Example: Method: DELETE. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r and {country} = India. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r and {city} = Powai. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r. Try it out here.
Example: {shorturl} = 52ea82r. Try it out here.
To run the application you need to type below mentioned command.
go run main.go
To successfully run the application you need to set below mentioned environment variables on your system.
primary_db_name =
primary_db_host =
primary_db_port =
cache_db_name =
cache_db_host =
cache_db_port =
host =
ipstack_api_key = Ex: API Key for ipstack
env = DEV
fullchain= Ex: /path/fullchain.pem
privkey= Ex: /path/privkey.pem
private_token=Ex: Captcha Token.
Short-URL is provided under Apache 2.0 license.