Releases: fsmosca/Python-Easy-Chess-GUI
Releases · fsmosca/Python-Easy-Chess-GUI
Bug fixes
- Paste fen before game starts.
- Fix folder name case sensitivity for linux.
- Don't crash the program when there are no engine file in Engines folder.
- Fix parameter of popen_uci, add creationflags for windows and remove creationflags for linux.
- Fix book path name for linux.
- Fix en passant capture
- Fix a bug in OS determination, whether it is Windows, Linux or Darwin.
- Add icons.
- Enable move delay.
Windows executable
The windows executable is built using PySimpleGUI exe-maker. Only 3/68 security vendors detected it as bad.
Example executable run
Major changes since v1.0.rc1
- Avoid gui crash due to weird engine bestmove string.
- Set Fischer as default engine time control type.
- Send popup message if engine installation fails.
- Improve Set Book box.
- Fix engine configuration editing.
- Update multiline boxes based on pysimplegui v4.4.1
- Set default adviser movetime to 10s.
- Refactor Timer initialization.
- file is big because of the opening books human.bin and computer.bin- python_easy_chess_gui.exe
After executing the exe the first time, the engines in engines folder will be automatically installed.
To install new uci engines, just press Engine->Manage->Install - Book/human.bin
- Book/pecg_book.bin
- Book/computer.bin
- Engines/Deuterium_v2019.2.37.73_64bit_pop.exe
- Engines/CDrill_1800_32bit.exe
- Engines/Deuterium_v2019.1.36.50_32bit.exe
- Images/60/piece png files
- python_easy_chess_gui.exe
- User can install/edit/delete uci engines.
- User can now save the current game in white and black repertoire files.
- Board color can be changed.
- Gui theme to match board color can also be changed.
- See commit messages for other changes.
- Exe file is located in
- Can play against computer engine.
- Human can use 2 different polyglot opening books, computer.bin and human.bin as references. Copy these books into the Book folder. Useful when one studies some best book lines.
- Computer can use its own polyglot opening book, pecg_book.bin. (pecg = python easy chess gui).
- You can use your favorite uci engines by copying the exe file into the Engines folder.
- Manual and auto saving of game.
- Paste FEN and can play starting from it.
- The gui will output pecg_log.txt, useful for debugging the program and pecg_game.pgn the file where manual and auto saved games are located.
- - contains the gui exe file, Deuterium engine files and Engines, Book and Image folders. Even with this file you can already start running the program.
- - contains computer.bin polyglot book built from computer vs computer games.
- - contains human.bin polyglot book built from human vs human games. If you have other polyglot book, you may use it by renaming it to either computer.bin or human.bin and then copy it to book folder.