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R build status License: GPL-3

Authors: yourGivenName yourFamilyName

README updated: Feb-17-2023

<—(Start of section that can be deleted after forking the template)—>


templateR is a template designed to make developing new R packages easy by providing:

  • DESCRIPTION, vignettes/, tests/, R/, man/, inst/: Basic skeleton for the package itself.
  • README.Rmd: Auto-populates based on the DESCRIPTION file (that can be knit to create Also contains badges that automatically update themselves.
  • inst/hex/hexSticker.Rmd: Template for creating hex stickers.
  • .github/workflows/*.yml: GitHub Actions workflow files that will automatically trigger code checks and pushing images to DockerHub every time you make a push to your GitHub repo (from r_workflows).
  • inst/CITATIONS : Allows users of your package to call citation("<packageName>"). Also used to auto-populate the README.Rmd.

To get started, simply click on the green Use this template button at the top right of the templateR repo.

GitHub Secrets

Before pushing changes to your new R package, you will need to add two GitHub Secrets:

  1. PAT_GITHUB: Speeds up installations and gives access to private repos on GitHub Actions. You can generate your very own Personal Authentication Token using these instructions.
  2. CODECOV_TOKEN: Allows code coverage results to be displayed via the rworkflows::use_badges() at the top of the README.Rmd. This Codecov token is repository-specific and can be found here.
  3. DOCKER_TOKEN: Allows GitHub Actions to push to the neurogenomicslab DockerHub account. Ask a fellow Neurogenomics Lab member for this token.

GitHub Pages

The GitHub Actions workflows included in this template will automatically create a documentation website for your package via GitHub Pages. This requires several initial setup steps (you only need to do these once per repo):

  1. After check-bioc-docker.yml has successfully run on Ubuntu for the first, a new branch will appear in your repo called “gh-pages”.
  2. In the Settings tab of your repo, go to Pages on the left. Then under Source select "branch: gh-pages" and "root" from the respective dropdown menus. Finally, click the Save button.

Note: If you don’t have admin access to your repo, you will need to ask someone who does to change this for you.

<—(End of section that can be deleted after forking the template)—>


This Repository contains code and simulation for Three way test in submitted paper.

ThreeWayTest: packageTitle

Summary statistics-based association test for

identifying the pleiotropic effects with set of genetic variants.

If you use ThreeWayTest, please cite:

author1, author2, author3 (publicationYear) articleTitle, journalName; volumeNumber, linkToPublication


if(!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")




For any more detailed questions, please contact: [email protected]


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published
