CSN (Channel Status Notifier) is a serverless project using the Events Slack API. It fetches all the members of a specified Slack Channel, analyses their status (based on keyword first, then emoji), and produces an absence report for the day.
Absence categories include:
- On holiday
- Out of office (e.g. conference, training, etc.)
- Off sick
- Work from home
- On parental leave
You can change the status throughout the day by reacting with the appropriate emoji.
Invite the app to your public or private channel. For a private channel you will have to manually type out the channel name as auto complete will not be available e.g #
/invite @channel_status_notifi
Then to trigger an automatic response set up a reminder for any interval you want.
/remind #<channel_name> every weekday at 10am @channel_status_notifi
You can also manually call it by mentioning the app
The app consists of two lambdas one triggered via api gateway which uses AWS sns to publish a message with the channel name that triggers the functionality. This is because the Slack events api has a 3 second timout function that sends anouther request if it does not get a response. This would cause double messages to be sent.
Clone the repository. Then install the dependencies.
npm install
You can run the app locally using this command
serverless offline
To deploy the service make sure you have set up the correct permissions and IAM roles then run
serverless deploy
You will then be provided with the end point that you can use to integrate with the slack api.