Exam Poll is a tool for creating polls about exam results. It aims to be simplistic and accessible. Anyone can create a poll and share a link to it. Polls can be edited by their creator and run for a specified time span.
The current implementation consists of a backend written in Go, which uses MongoDB, and a server-side rendered frontend using NextJS.
Feel free to use the public instance at poll.fugi.dev.
See the README file in the frontend and backend directories, respectively.
The compose files I use are provided for reference. You can use them with slight adjustments.
Replace the domains for frontend and api in docker-compose.prod.yml
and hook up your reverse proxy (which can access the containers via the swag-net
network, in my case).
Then run the following command to deploy everything:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build
This repository includes a Flake that provides a NixOS module for exam poll. You can use it like this:
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
exam-poll.url = "git+https://codeberg.org/fugi/exam-poll.git";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, exam-poll }: {
# change `yourhostname` to your actual hostname
nixosConfigurations.yourhostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# customize to your system
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# configuration.nix
services.exam-poll = {
enable = true;
frontend = {
# optionally specify the local port
# port = 3000;
hostName = "poll.example.com";
backend = {
# optionally specify the local port
# port = 8000;
hostName = "poll-api.example.com";
mongodb = {
# provide your own mongodb instance, this is currently not handled by the module
uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
database = "exam-poll";
collection = "polls";
Nginx will (by default) be automatically configured as reverse proxy with https. This can be disabled by setting services.exam-poll.configureNginx = false;
The creation of a MongoDB instance is currently not handled by the module. Because of MongoDB's non-free license, your options are to use its NixOS module and compile it yourself (requires a lot of resources) or to run it in Docker or Podman.
See module.nix
for all available options and their explanations.