v1.4.0: major release
The repo now tracks both the core and extended versions, making it easier to reproduce. The documentation was aligned with common standards and many dependencies were updated to more recent versions. The release also contains minor bugfixes and speed improvements.
- all: reorganized code and included extended pipeline scripts and documentation
- core: backport of code changes from 1.5 branch
- core: add version flags to binaries
- core: seqan update to v2.4.0
- core: tree.hh update to v3.7
- extended: correctly detect Python2 version with two digits in patch number
- extended: update KronaTools to v2.7.1
- extended: update GNU parallel to v20201222
- extended: align with LZA v1.9.3
- extended: align with NCBI Blast 2.11.0+
- extended: align with last-align v1170
- extended: parallel index building and ambiguous characters with last aligner