- Implements various button state recognition using interrupts, executes specified functions when the button is pressed, suitable for
- Execute a specified function at regular intervals after the button is pressed
- Execute a function when the button is released after a short press
- Execute a function when the button is released after a long press
- Execute a function when the button is pressed
- Execute a function when the button is released
is the example file./lib/easybutton.py
is the button library file
- In this example, the button is connected to a pin and the other end is connected to
import time
from machine import Pin
from lib.easybutton import EasyButton
# Initialize the button
btn = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
# if there are any non-standard naming, please submit a PR, thanks.
# 如果有不规范的命名,请提交 PR,谢谢
b = EasyButton(btn)
# Define functions, they can be defined first or later used as anonymous functions
# 定义函数,可以先定义,也可以后续使用匿名函数
def test():
# Set trigger functions for the button
b.down_func = lambda: print("down") # Executed when the button is pressed # 按钮按下时执行
b.hold_func = lambda: print("hold") # Executed at regular intervals after the button is pressed # 按钮按下后,每隔一段时间执行一次
b.short_func = lambda: print("short") # Executed when the button is short pressed and released # 按钮短按后,松开时执行
b.long_func = (print, "long") # Executed when the button is long pressed and released # 按钮长按后,松开时执行
b.up_func = test # Executed when the button is released # 按钮松开时执行函数
# Since an interrupt is used, the code can continue to execute, and it will only pause when the button is pressed.
# 由于使用了中断,所以后续可以继续执行代码,只有在按钮被按下时才会暂停继续执行的代码,松开则恢复
# This loop is not necessary, it's just for demonstration purposes. It's not necessary in actual use.
# 这里的循环并不是必须,仅为演示使用,实际使用中并非必要
while True:
print("---- running ----")