An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) App that can recognize thai id cards and get the required information. Save this information for retrival later.
Instructions on how to install the project, for example:
git clone
cd Qoala-Assignment
npm install
prepare your .env file with the required variables(see .env.example)
npm start
- Deployed on Render
- Link
- Note: The app is deployed on a free tier, so it might take some time to load the first time.
- NoSql database: MongoDB (mongoose)
- Used Google Vision API along with Google Gemini API to detect text in the images
- Used Google Translate API to translate the text to English
- Environment variables using dotenv
- It utilizes Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to analyze thai id cards and extract relevant data.
- CRUD api to create the ocr data, if needed we can modify some data, filter them or delete certain id cards(soft delete).
List of the routes:
- GetAllData: POST /data/
- DeleteData: DELETE /data/remove/:id
- UpdateData: PATCH /data/update/:id
- SearchData: GET /data/search?type={type}&value={value}
- UploadData: POST /upload
- GetImage: GET /images
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Google Vision API
- Google Gemini API