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<title> C Source Codes </title>
<h1 align = "center">
  C Source Codes


      <a href = "args/args.html">
      a program which
      reports the command line arguments with which it was invoked;
      <a href = "asa005/asa005.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution,
      by BE Cooper;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 5;
      <a href = "asa006/asa006.html">
      a library which
      computes the Cholesky factor of a positive definite symmetric matrix,
      by Michael Healy;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 6;
      <a href = "asa007/asa007.html">
      a library which
      computes the inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix,
      by Michael Healy;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 7,
      <a href = "asa032/asa032.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the incomplete Gamma function,
      by G Bhattacharjee;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 32;
      <a href = "asa047/asa047.html">
      a library which
      minimizes a scalar function of several variables using the Nelder-Mead algorithm,
      by R ONeill;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 47;
      <a href = "asa058/asa058.html">
      a library which
      carries out K-means clustering of data,
      by David Sparks;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 58;
      <a href = "asa063/asa063.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the incomplete Beta function,
      by KL Majumder and G Bhattacharjee;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 63;
      <a href = "asa066/asa066.html">
      a library which
      computes the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution,
      by David Hill;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 66;
      <a href = "asa076/asa076.html">
      a library which
      evaluates Owen's T function,
      by Young and Minder;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 76;
      <a href = "asa091/asa091.html">
      a library which
      computes the percentage points of the Chi-square distribution,
      by Best and Roberts;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 91;
      <a href = "asa103/asa103.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the digamma or psi function,
      by Jose Bernardo;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 103;
      <a href = "asa109/asa109.html">
      a library which
      inverts the incomplete Beta function,
      by Cran, Martin and Thomas;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 109;
      <a href = "asa111/asa111.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the percentage points of the normal distribution,
      by Beasley and Springer;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 111;
      <a href = "asa113/asa113.html">
      a library which
      clusters data using a transfer and swap algorithm,
      by Banfield and Bassill;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 113;
      <a href = "asa121/asa121.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the trigamma function,
      by BE Schneider;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 121;
      <a href = "asa136/asa136.html">
      a library which
      implements a clustering algorithm,
      by Hartigan and Wong;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 136;
      <a href = "asa144/asa144.html">
      a library which
      randomly generates tables with given row and column sums,
      by James Boyett;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 144;
      <a href = "asa147/asa147.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the incomplete Gamma function,
      by Chi Leung Lau;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 147;
      <a href = "asa152/asa152.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the probability density function (PDF) and
      cumulative density function (CDF) associated with the
      hypergeometric distribution,
      by Richard Lund;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 152;
      <a href = "asa159/asa159.html">
      a library which
      computes a random table with given row
      and column sums,
      by Michael Patefield;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 159;
      <a href = "asa172/asa172.html">
      a library which
      generates all multidimensional indices in a given range,
      simulating the behavior of an arbitrary number of nested loops,
      by OFlaherty and MacKenzie.
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 172;
      <a href = "asa183/asa183.html">
      a library which
      implements a pseudorandom number generator,
      by Wichman and Hill;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 183;
      <a href = "asa226/asa226.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function,
      by Russell Lenth;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 226;
      <a href = "asa239/asa239.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the incomplete Gamma function,
      by Shea;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 239;
      <a href = "asa241/asa241.html">
      a library which
      computes the inverse of the normal cumulative density function (CDF),
      by Michael Wichura;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 241;
      <a href = "asa243/asa243.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution,
      by Russell Lenth;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 243;
      <a href = "asa245/asa245.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the logarithm of the Gamma function,
      by Allan Mcleod;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 245;
      <a href = "asa299/asa299.html">
      a library which
      computes the lattice points
      (integer coordinates) in an M-dimensional simplex,
      by Chasalow and Brand;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 299;
      <a href = "asa310/asa310.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function,
      by Chattamvelli and Shanmugam;
      this is a C version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 310;
      <a href = "ascii_to_mri/ascii_to_mri.html">
      a program which
      restores MRI data to its original binary format, having been
      previously converted to an ASCII text file.
      <a href = "ball_grid/ball_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes grid points inside a 3D ball.
      <a href = "ball_volume_monte_carlo/ball_volume_monte_carlo.html">
      a program which
      applies a Monte Carlo procedure to estimate the volume of the
      M-dimensional unit ball;
      <a href = "barycentric_interp_1d/barycentric_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates the barycentric Lagrange polynomial p(x) 
      which interpolates a set of data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
      The barycentric approach means that very high degree polynomials can
      safely be used.
      <a href = "bernstein/bernstein.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the Bernstein polynomials;
      <a href = "beta_nc/beta_nc.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the cumulative density function (CDF) of the noncentral Beta distribution;
      <a href = "bio/bio.html">
      a library which
      manages binary I/O,
      by Greg Hood.
      <a href = "bisection_integer/bisection_integer.html">
      a library which
      seeks an integer solution to the equation F(X)=0,
      using bisection within a user-supplied change of sign interval [A,B].
      <a href = "black_scholes/black_scholes.html">
      a library which
      implements some simple approaches to
      the Black-Scholes option valuation theory,
      by Desmond Higham.
      <a href = "blas1/blas1.html">
      a library which
      contains the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS)
      for level 1 (vector-vector operations), for single and double precision,
      and for real and complex arithmetic.
      <a href = "blas1_c/blas1_c.html">
      a library of the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS),
      using single precision complex arithmetic;
      <a href = "blas1_d/blas1_d.html">
      a library of the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS),
      using double precision real arithmetic;
      <a href = "blas1_s/blas1_s.html">
      a library of the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS),
      using single precision real arithmetic;
      <a href = "blas1_z/blas1_z.html">
      a library of the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS),
      using double precision complex arithmetic;
      <a href = "box_behnken/box_behnken.html">
      a library which
      computes a Box-Behnken design,
      that is, a set of arguments to sample the behavior
      of a function of multiple parameters;
      <a href = "brent/brent.html">
      a library which
      contains routines for finding zeroes or minima of a scalar
      function of a scalar variable, without the use of derivative information,
      by Richard Brent.
      <a href = "brownian_motion_simulation/brownian_motion_simulation.html">
      a library which
      simulates Brownian motion in an M-dimensional region.
      <a href = "burgers_solution/burgers_solution.html">
      a library which
      evaluates an exact solution of the time-dependent 1D viscous Burgers equation.
      <a href = "c/c.html">
      programs which
      illustrate some of the features of the C programming language.
      <a href = "c_arrays/c_arrays.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of vectors, matrices and tensors.
      <a href = "c_calls_f77/c_calls_f77.html">
      programs which
      illustrate a C program calling a FORTRAN77 subroutine.
      <a href = "c_calls_f90/c_calls_f90.html">
      programs which
      illustrate a C program calling a FORTRAN90 subroutine.
      <a href = "c_intrinsics/c_intrinsics.html">
      a program which
      illustrates the use of intrinsic functions supplied by the C language.
      <a href = "c_operators/c_operators.html">
      a program which
      illustrates the use of some of the operators supplied by the C language.
      <a href = "c_random/c_random.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the C random number generator routines.
      <a href = "c4_complex_lib/c4_complex_lib.html">
      a library which
      defines a single precision complex (C4) variable as a structure,
      and implements certain corresponding elementary functions.
      <a href = "c4lib/c4lib.html">
      a library which
      implements certain elementary functions for single precision complex (C4) variables
      using the C99 "float complex" datatype.
      <a href = "c8_complex_lib/c8_complex_lib.html">
      a library which
      defines a double precision complex (C8) variable as a structure,
      and implements certain corresponding elementary functions.
      <a href = "c8lib/c8lib.html">
      a library which
      implements certain elementary functions for double precision complex (C8) variables
      using the C99 standard "double complex" datatype.
      <a href = "cell/cell.html">
      a library which
      defines a cell array, a generalization of an array which
      can compactly store and retrieve vector or matrix data of 
      varying size, such as the rows of a triangular matrix.
      <a href = "chebyshev/chebyshev.html">
      a library which
      computes the Chebyshev interpolant or approximant to a given function
      over an interval.
      <a href = "chebyshev_interp_1d/chebyshev_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      determines the combination of Chebyshev polynomials which 
      interpolates a set of data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
      <a href = "chrpak/chrpak.html">
      a library which
      can manipulate characters and strings;
      <a href = "circle_arc_grid/circle_arc_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes grid points along a circular arc.
      <a href = "circle_grid/circle_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes grid points inside a circle.
      <a href = "clenshaw_curtis_rule/clenshaw_curtis_rule.html">
      a program which
      implements a Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rule;
      <a href = "cnoise/cnoise.html">
      a library which
      generates samples of noise obeying a 1/f^alpha power law,
      by Miroslav Stoyanov.
      <a href = "collatz_recursive/collatz_recursive.html">
      a library which
      demonstrates recursive programming by considering the simple Collatz 3n+1 problem.
      <a href = "colored_noise/colored_noise.html">
      a library which
      generates samples of noise obeying a 1/f^alpha power law.
      <a href = "combination_lock/combination_lock.html">
      a library which
      simulates the process of determining the secret combination of a lock.
      <a href = "combo/combo.html">
      a library which
      includes routines for ranking, unranking, enumerating and randomly selecting
      balanced sequences, cycles, graphs, Gray codes, subsets, partitions,
      permutations, restricted growth functions, Pruefer codes and trees.
      <a href = "communicator_mpi/communicator_mpi.html">
      a program which
      creates new communicators involving a subset of initial
      set of MPI processes in the default communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD.
      <a href = "compass_search/compass_search.html">
      a library which 
      seeks the minimizer of a scalar function of several variables
      using compass search, a direct search algorithm that does not use derivatives.
      <a href = "complex_numbers/complex_numbers.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates some simple features involved in the use of
      complex numbers in C programming.
      <a href = "condition/condition.html">
      a library which
      implements methods of computing or estimating the condition number of a matrix.
      <a href = "cordic/cordic.html">
      a library which
      computes a few special functions using the CORDIC algorithm.
      <a href = "correlation/correlation.html">
      a library which
      contains examples of statistical correlation functions.
      <a href = "csparse/csparse.html">
      a library which
      carries out the direct solution of sparse
      linear systems, by Timothy Davis.
      <a href = "cycle_brent/cycle_brent.html">
      a library which
      carries out an iterated function evaluation, and seeks to determine the
      nearest element of a cycle, and the cycle's length, using Brent's method.
      <a href = "cycle_floyd/cycle_floyd.html">
      a library which
      carries out an iterated function evaluation, and seeks to determine the
      nearest element of a cycle, and the cycle's length, using Floyd's method.
      <a href = "cyclic_reduction/cyclic_reduction.html">
      a library which
      solves a tridiagonal linear system using cyclic reduction;
      <a href = "diaphony/diaphony.html">
      a program which
      reads a file of N points in M dimensions and computes its diaphony, a measure
      of point dispersion.
      <a href = "dijkstra/dijkstra.html">
      a program which
      runs a simple example of Dijkstra's minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
      <a href = "dijkstra_openmp/dijkstra_openmp.html">
      a program which
      uses OpenMP to parallelize a simple example of Dijkstra's
      minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
      <a href = "dislin/dislin.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of dislin, a scientific graphics package.
      <a href = "divdif/divdif.html">
      a library which
      uses divided differences to compute the polynomial interpolant 
      to a given set of data.
      <a href = "doomsday/doomsday.html">
      a library which
      is given the year, month and day of a date, and uses
      John Conway's doomsday algorithm to determine the corresponding day of the week.
      <a href = "duel_simulation/duel_simulation.html">
      a program which
      simulates N repetitions of a duel between two players, each of
      whom has a known firing accuracy.
      <a href = "eispack/eispack.html">
      a library which
      carries out eigenvalue computations.
      It includes a function to compute the singular value decomposition (SVD)
      of a rectangular matrix.
      This library was superseded by LAPACK;
      <a href = "ellipse_grid/ellipse_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes grid points inside an ellipse.
      <a href = "ellipsoid_grid/ellipsoid_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes grid points inside a 3D ellipsoid.
      <a href = "f77split/f77split.html">
      a program which
      splits a file containing
      multiple FORTRAN77 routines into separate files;
      <a href = "f90split/f90split.html">
      a program which
      splits a file containing multiple FORTRAN90 routines into separate files;
      <a href = "fair_dice_simulation/fair_dice_simulation.html">
      a program which
      simulates N tosses of 2 dice, making a histogram of the results.
      <a href = "fd_predator_prey/fd_predator_prey.html">
      a program which
      solves a pair of predator prey ordinardy differential equations (ODE's)
      using a finite difference approximation.
      <a href = "fd1d_burgers_lax/fd1d_burgers_lax.html">
      a program which
      applies the finite difference method and the Lax Wendroff method
      to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.
      <a href = "fd1d_burgers_leap/fd1d_burgers_leap.html">
      a program which
      applies the finite difference method and the leapfrog approach
      to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.
      <a href = "fd1d_bvp/fd1d_bvp.html">
      a program which
      applies the finite difference method
      to a two point boundary value problem in one spatial dimension.
      <a href = "fd1d_heat_explicit/fd1d_heat_explicit.html">
      a library which
      implements a finite difference solution, explicit in time, of the
      time dependent 1D heat equation;
      <a href = "fd1d_heat_implicit/fd1d_heat_implicit.html">
      a program which
      implements a finite difference solution, implicit in time, of the
      time dependent 1D heat equation;
      <a href = "fd1d_heat_steady/fd1d_heat_steady.html">
      a program which
      implements a finite difference solution for the steady
      (time independent) 1D heat equation;
      <a href = "fd1d_wave/fd1d_wave.html">
      a program which
      applies the finite difference method to solve the time-dependent
      wave equation in one spatial dimension.
      <a href = "fem1d/fem1d.html">
      a program which
      applies the finite element method,
      using piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear
      two point boundary value problem in 1D;
      <a href = "fem1d_bvp_linear/fem1d_bvp_linear.html">
      a program which
      applies the finite element method, with piecewise linear elements,
      to a two point boundary value problem in one spatial dimension,
      and compares the computed and exact solutions 
      with the L2 and seminorm errors.
      <a href = "fem1d_heat_steady/fem1d_heat_steady.html">
      a program which
      implements the finite element method for the steady
      (time independent) 1D heat equation;
      <a href = "fem2d_poisson_rectangle_linear/fem2d_poisson_rectangle_linear.html">
      a program which
      solves the 2D Poisson equation on a rectangle,
      using the finite element method,
      and piecewise linear triangular elements.
      <a href = "feynman_kac_1d/feynman_kac_1d.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm 
      to solve Poisson's equation in a 1D interval by averaging
      stochastic paths to the boundary.
      <a href = "feynman_kac_2d/feynman_kac_2d.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm 
      to solve Poisson's equation in a 2D ellipse by averaging
      stochastic paths to the boundary.
      <a href = "feynman_kac_3d/feynman_kac_3d.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm 
      to solve Poisson's equation in a 3D ellipsoid by averaging
      stochastic paths to the boundary.
      <a href = "fft_openmp/fft_openmp.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the computation of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
      in parallel, using OpenMP.
      <a href = "fft_serial/fft_serial.html">
      a program which
      computes a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and is intended as
      a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
      <a href = "fftw3/fftw3.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of FFTW3, a library of routines
      for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT),
      by Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson.
      <a href = "file_name_sequence/file_name_sequence.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates ways to generate a sequence of filenames, which can
      be useful when generating a sequence of still snapshots to be animated later.
      <a href = "filum/filum.html">
      a library which
      performs various operations with files;
      <a href = "flood_opengl/flood_opengl.html">
      a program which
      uses OpenGL to allow the user to select regions of an image
      and flood them with color,
      by Art Wetzel.
      <a href = "floyd/floyd.html">
      a library which
      implements Floyd's algorithm for finding the shortest distance
      between pairs of nodes on a directed graph.
      <a href = "fn/fn.html">
      a library which
      evaluates elementary and special functions,
      by Wayne Fullerton.
      <a href = "forest_fire_simulation/forest_fire_simulation.html">
      a program which
      models the occurrence of fires in a forest, and displays the status
      of the forest using X Windows, by Michael Creutz.
      <a href = "gcc_intrinsics/gcc_intrinsics.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates or tests some of the intrinsic functions made available
      by the Gnu gcc compiler for C.
      <a href = "gcc_quadmath/gcc_quadmath.html">
      a program which
      illustrates the use of quadruple precision real arithmetic,
      as provided on some systems by the Gnu gcc compiler for C.
      <a href = "geometry/geometry.html">
      a library  which
      carries out geometrical algorithms for 2D, 3D, ND;
      <a href = "geompack/geompack.html">
      a library which
      computes the Delaunay triangulation of 2D data,
      by Barry Joe;
      <a href = "gm_rule/gm_rule.html">
      a library which
      defines Grundmann-Moeller quadratures rules for an M-dimensional simplex.
      <a href = "gnuplot_i/gnuplot_i.html">
      a library which
      allows an executing C, C++ or FORTRAN program to interact with the 
      gnuplot graphics program,
      by Nicholas Devillard.
      <a href = "gnuplot_i_examples/gnuplot_i_examples.html">
      programs which
      demonstrate the use of the gnuplot_i library for interactive  
      runtime gnuplot graphics.
      <a href = "gprof/gprof.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the gprof program performance monitor;
      <a href = "graphchk/graphchk.html">
      a program which 
      checks that a metis graph file has the proper format;
      <a href = "graphics_examples/graphics_examples.html">
      programs which
      illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically.
      <a href = "haar/haar.html">
      a library which
      computes the Haar transform of data.
      <a href = "heat_mpi/heat_mpi.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the use of MPI, by solving the 1D time dependent heat equation.
      <a href = "heated_plate/heated_plate.html">
      a program which
      solves the steady state heat equation in a 2D
      rectangular region, and is intended as
      a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
      <a href = "heated_plate_openmp/heated_plate_openmp.html">
      a program which
      solves the steady (time independent) heat equation in a 2D
      rectangular region, using OpenMP to run in parallel.
      <a href = "hello/hello.html">
      a program which
      prints out "Hello, world!".
      <a href = "hello_mpi/hello_mpi.html">
      a program which
      prints out "Hello, world!" using MPI for parallel programming.
      <a href = "hello_openmp/hello_openmp.html">
      a program which
      prints out "Hello, world!" within the OpenMP parallel programming
      <a href = "hermite/hermite.html">
      a library which
      computes the Hermite interpolant, a polynomial that matches function values
      and derivatives.
      <a href = "hermite_cubic/hermite_cubic.html">
      a library which
      can compute the value, derivatives or integral of a Hermite cubic polynomial,
      or manipulate an interpolating function made up of piecewise Hermite cubic
      <a href = "i4lib/i4lib.html">
      a library which
      contains many utility routines, using single precision integer (I4)
      <a href = "i8lib/i8lib.html">
      a library which
      contains many utility routines, using double precision integer (I8)
      <a href = "ice_io/ice_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes ICE grid files stored in netcdf format.
      <a href = "ice_to_mesh/ice_to_mesh.html">
      a program which
      reads a netcdf file containing an ICE dataset and rewrites the
      information as a MESH file.
      <a href = "image_components/image_components.html">
      a library which
      seeks the connected nonzero or nonblack components of an image or integer array.
      <a href = "image_denoise/image_denoise.html">
      a library which 
      applies simple filtering operations to a noisy image.
      <a href = "image_edge/image_edge.html">
      a library which
      demonstrates a simple procedure for edge detection in images.
      <a href = "index/index.html">
      a library which
      converts a multidimensional vector index to a one-dimensional vector index;
      it can handle zero and one based indexing schemes, as well as column major
      and row major conventions.
      <a href = "is_serial/is_serial.html">
      a program which
      is a serial version of the NAS Parallel Benchmark Integer Sort (IS).
      <a href = "ising_2d_simulation/ising_2d_simulation.html">
      a program which
      simulates the evolution of a 2D array of positive and negative charges,
      each of which is likely to flip to be in agreement with neighbors.
      <a href = "kmetis/kmetis.html">
      a program which
      uses the metis library to partition
      the nodes of a graph in a balanced way, useful for parallel
      <a href = "kronrod/kronrod.html">
      a library which
      can compute a Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod pair of quadrature rules
      of arbitrary order,
      by Robert Piessens, Maria Branders.
      <a href = "lagrange_approx_1d/lagrange_approx_1d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) of degree m
      which approximates a set of nd data points (x(i),y(i)).
      <a href = "lagrange_interp_1d/lagrange_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) 
      which interpolates a set of data depending on a 1D argument,
      so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
      <a href = "lagrange_interp_2d/lagrange_interp_2d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x,y) 
      which interpolates a set of data depending on a 2D argument
      that was evaluated on a product grid,
      so that p(x(i),y(j)) = z(i,j).
      <a href = "lagrange_interp_nd/lagrange_interp_nd.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) 
      which interpolates a set of data depending on a multidimensional argument
      that was evaluated on a product grid,
      so that p(x(i)) = z(i).
      <a href = "laplace_mpi/laplace_mpi.html">
      a program which
      solves Laplace's equation on a rectangle,
      using MPI for parallel execution.
      <a href = "latin_cover/latin_cover.html">
      a library which
      produces N Latin squares which cover an NxN square, or NxN Latin cubes
      which cover an NxNxN cube.
      <a href = "latinize/latinize.html">
      a library which
      adjusts N points in M dimensions to form a Latin Hypercube;
      <a href = "legendre_rule_fast/legendre_rule_fast.html">
      a program which
      uses a fast (order N) algorithm to compute a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule of given order.
      <a href = "life_opengl/life_opengl.html">
      a program which
      uses OpenGL to display the evolution of John Conway's Game of Life,
      by Simon Green.
      <a href = "lights_out_opengl/lights_out_opengl.html">
      a program which
      sets up a Lights Out game and allows the user to solve it,
      using the OpenGL graphics window.
      <a href = "linpack/linpack.html">
      a library which
      solves linear systems for a variety of matrix storage schemes,
      real or complex arithmetic, and single or double precision.
      The original version of this library is 
      by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
      <a href = "linpack_bench/linpack_bench.html">
      a program which
      is a version of the LINPACK benchmark program;
      <a href = "linpack_d/linpack_d.html">
      a library which
      factors matrices in a variety of formats, and solving the
      associated linear systems, using double precision real arithmetic;
      it includes a function to compute the singular value decomposition (SVD)
      of a rectangular matrix.
      The original version of this library is 
      by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
      <a href = "linpack_s/linpack_s.html">
      a library which
      factors matrices in a variety of formats, and solving the
      associated linear systems, using single precision real arithmetic;
      it includes a function to compute the singular value decomposition (SVD)
      of a rectangular matrix.
      The original version of this library is 
      by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
      <a href = "linplus/linplus.html">
      a library which
      factors/solves/multiplies matrices in a variety of formats;
      <a href = "llsq/llsq.html">
      a library which
      solves the simple linear least squares problem of finding the formula
      of a straight line y=a*x+b which minimizes the root-mean-square error
      to a set of N data points.
      <a href = "machar/machar.html">
      a library which
      dynamically computes the values of various machine characteristic constants
      by William Cody;
      <a href = "machine/machine.html">
      a library  which
      returns tabulated values of the constants associated with computer arithmetic
      <a href = "makefiles/makefiles.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of makefiles for maintaining a software project;
      <a href = "mandelbrot/mandelbrot.html">
      a program which
      generates an ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) image of the Mandelbrot set;
      <a href = "mandelbrot_ascii/mandelbrot_ascii.html">
      a program which
      generates an ASCII text image of the Mandelbrot set,
      using just two lines of C code.
      <a href = "mandelbrot_openmp/mandelbrot_openmp.html">
      a program which
      generates an ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) image of the Mandelbrot fractal set,
      using OpenMP for parallel execution;
      <a href = "mandelbrot_ppm/mandelbrot_ppm.html">
      a program which
      generates a binary Portable Pixel Map (PPM) image of the Mandelbrot set,
      by Eric Weeks.
      <a href = "matmul/matmul.html">
      a program which
      carries out a matrix multiplication benchmark;
      <a href = "matrix_exponential/matrix_exponential.html">
      a library which
      demonstrates some simple approaches to the problem of computing the
      exponential of a matrix.
      <a href = "md/md.html">
      a program which
      carries out a molecular dynamics simulation, and is intended as
      a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
      <a href = "md_openmp/md_openmp.html">
      a program which
      carries out a molecular dynamics simulation in parallel using OpenMP.
      <a href = "memory_test/memory_test.html">
      a program which
      tests the memory available on the computer by declaring
      and using big vectors.
      <a href = "mesh_io/mesh_io.html">
      a library which
      can read or write MESH files, which can be used to define the geometry
      of a finite element mesh in 2D or 3D, using triangles, quadrilaterals,
      tetrahedrons or hexahedrons.
      <a href = "mesh_to_ice/mesh_to_ice.html">
      a program which
      reads the ICE dataset information from a MESH files and rewrites
      it to a netcddf file.
      <a href = "mesh2dual/mesh2dual.html">
      a program which
      used the metis library to convert
      a finite element mesh to a dual graph.
      <a href = "mesh2nodal/mesh2nodal.html">
      a program which
      uses the metis library to convert
      a finite element mesh to a nodal graph.
      <a href = "mesh_bandwidth/mesh_bandwidth.html">
      a program which
      returns the geometric bandwidth associated with a mesh of
      elements of any order and in a space of M dimensions.
      <a href = "metis/metis.html">
      a library which
      partitions the nodes of a graph or the elements of a mesh, for division among
      a number of parallel processes, or to reorder the variables in a sparse
      matrix to minimize fillin;
      <a href = "mgmres/mgmres.html">
      a library which
      applies the restarted generalized minimum residual (GMRES) algorithm 
      to a sparse linear system,
      by Lili Ju;
      <a href = "mgs/mgs.html">
      a library which
      is an example of legacy code, which the student is encouraged to
      study, understand, and document.  This example is due to Diane O'Leary.
      <a href = "mixed/mixed.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of mixed language programming in which the main
      routine is written in C;
      <a href = "mm_io/mm_io.html">
      a library which
      reads and writes a Matrix Market (MM) Sparse Matrix File;
      <a href = "mpi/mpi.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
      library, for parallel programming;
      <a href = "mpi_stubs/mpi_stubs.html">
      a library which
      may be used if a parallel program is to be compiled, loaded and run in a
      serial machine.
      <a href = "mri_to_ascii/mri_to_ascii.html">
      a program which
      converts the binary data in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) file to ASCII text.
      <a href = "mri_to_pgm/mri_to_pgm.html">
      a program which
      converts the binary data in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) file 
      to a sequence of PGM image files.
      <a href = "multigrid_poisson_1d/multigrid_poisson_1d.html">
      a library which
      applies the multigrid method to a discretized version of the 
      1D Poisson equation.
      <a href = "multitask_mpi/multitask_mpi.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates how to multitask, that is, to execute several unrelated
      and distinct tasks simultaneously, using MPI for parallel execution.
      <a href = "multitask_openmp/multitask_openmp.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates how to multitask, that is, to execute several unrelated
      and distinct tasks simultaneously, using OpenMP for parallel execution.
      <a href = "mxm/mxm.html">
      a program which
      sets up a matrix multiplication problem A=B*C of arbitrary size,
      and compares the time required for ijk, ikj, jik, jki, kij and kji orderings
      of the loops.
      <a href = "mxm_openmp/mxm_openmp.html">
      a program which
      computes a dense matrix product C=A*B,
      using OpenMP for parallel execution.
      <a href = "mxm_serial/mxm_serial.html">
      a program which
      sets up a matrix multiplication problem A=B*C,
      intended as a starting point for implementing a parallel version.
      <a href = "mxv/mxv.html">
      a program which
      compares the performance of (for i, for j) loops and (for j, for i) loops
      for computing the product of an MxN matrix A and an N vector X.
      <a href = "mxv_openmp/mxv_openmp.html">
      a program which
      compares the performance of the matrix multiplication problem
      y=A*x, with and without parallelization by OpenMP.
      <a href = "nas/nas.html">
      a program which
      runs the NASA kernel benchmark.
      <a href = "nearest_interp_1d/nearest_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      interpolates a set of data using a piecewise constant interpolant
      defined by the nearest neighbor criterion.
      <a href = "netcdf/netcdf.html">
      programs which
      read and write netcdf files.
      <a href = "normal/normal.html">
      a library which
      generates pseudorandom normal values;
      <a href = "nsasm/nsasm.html">
      a library which
      computes the jacobian matrix associated
      with a finite element approximation of the incompressible
      steady Navier-Stokes equations in 2D, and to store these as
      a sparse matrix, by Per-Olof Persson.
      <a href = "obj_to_ply/obj_to_ply.html">
      a program which
      converts a 3D graphics file from OBJ format to
      PLY format format, by Greg Turk.
      <a href = "ode/ode.html">
      a library which
      solves a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs),
      by Shampine and Gordon;
      <a href = "ode_moshier/ode_moshier.html">
      a library which
      implements the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton and Runge-Kutta (RK) methods of
      solving systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE's),
      by Steven Moshier.
      <a href = "oemetis/oemetis.html">
      a program which
      uses the metis library to reorder
      the variables in a sparse matrix.
      <a href = "onmetis/onmetis.html">
      a program, using the metis library, which can reorder
      the variables in a sparse matrix.
      <a href = "opengl/opengl.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the OpenGL graphics library;
      <a href = "openmp/openmp.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the OpenMP interface for
      parallel programming shared memory system;
      <a href = "openmp_stubs/openmp_stubs.html">
      a library which
      is a dummy implementation of the OpenMP routines,
      and can be used to compile, load, and run a program using OpenMP on a
      system which does not have OpenMP installed.
      <a href = "optimize/optimize.html">
      a program which
      looks at the use of automatic optimization by the compiler 
      to make the executable code run faster.
      <a href = "owens/owens.html">
      a library which
      evaluates Owen's T function;
      <a href = "paranoia/paranoia.html">
      a program which
      checks the accuracy of the floating point arithmetic on a computer.
      <a href = "partdmesh/partdmesh.html">
      a program, using the metis library, which can partition
      a finite element mesh after constructing the dual graph.
      <a href = "partition_problem/partition_problem.html">
      a library which
      seeks solutions of the partition problem, splitting a set of integers into
      two subsets with equal sum.
      <a href = "partnmesh/partnmesh.html">
      a program, using the metis library, which can partition
      a finite element mesh after constructing the nodal graph.
      <a href = "pbma_io/pbma_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes an ASCII Portable Bit Map (PBM) bit map graphics file;
      <a href = "pbmb_io/pbmb_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes a binary Portable Bit Map (PBM) graphics file;
      <a href = "pbmlib/pbmlib.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes graphics files in the Portable Bit Map (PBM) format;
      <a href = "pce_burgers/pce_burgers.html">
      a program which
      defines and solves a version of the time-dependent viscous Burgers equation,
      with uncertain viscosity, 
      using a polynomial chaos expansion in terms of Hermite polynomials,
      by Gianluca Iaccarino.
      <a href = "pce_ode_hermite/pce_ode_hermite.html">
      a program which
      sets up a simple scalar ordinary differential equation (ODE)
      for exponential decay with an uncertain
      decay rate, using a polynomial chaos expansion in terms of Hermite polynomials.
      <a href = "pcl_read/pcl_read.html">
      a program which
      reads a PCL file and extracts the numeric data;
      <a href = "peri1d/peri1d.html">
      a program which
      sets up and solves a 1D time-dependent peridynamics problem,
      by Miroslav Stoyanov;
      <a href = "peri2d/peri2d.html">
      a program which
      sets up and solves a 2D time-dependent peridynamics problem,
      by Miroslav Stoyanov;
      <a href = "pgma_io/pgma_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes ASCII Portable Gray Map (PGM) 2D graphics files;
      <a href = "pgmb_io/pgmb_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes a binary Portable Gray Map (PGM) 2D graphics file;
      <a href = "pig_latin/pig_latin.html">
      a program which
      converts its input to Pig Latin; a winner of the International
      Obfuscated C Code Competition in the Most Humorous category,
      by Don Dodson;
      <a href = "pink_noise/pink_noise.html">
      a library which
      computes a pink noise signal obeying a 1/f power law.
      <a href = "plato_ply/plato_ply.html">
      a program which
      writes a PLY graphics file for any platonic solid,
      by Greg Turk.
      <a href = "ply_io/ply_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes a 3D graphics file in PLY format,
      by Greg Turk;
      <a href = "ply_to_iv/ply_to_iv.html">
      a program which
      converts a 3D graphics file from PLY format to Inventor (IV) format,
      by Greg Turk.
      <a href = "ply_to_obj/ply_to_obj.html">
      a program which
      converts a 3D graphics file from PLY format to OBJ format,
      by Greg Turk.
      <a href = "point_merge/point_merge.html">
      a library which
      considers N points in M dimensional space, and counts or indexes
      the unique or tolerably unique items.
      <a href = "poisson_openmp/poisson_openmp.html">
      a program which
      computes an approximate solution to the Poisson equation in a rectangle,
      using the Jacobi iteration to solve the linear system, and OpenMP to
      carry out the Jacobi iteration in parallel.
      <a href = "poisson_serial/poisson_serial.html">
      a program which
      computes an approximate solution to the Poisson equation in a rectangle,
      and is intended as the starting point for the creation of a parallel version.
      <a href = "poisson_simulation/poisson_simulation.html">
      a library which
      simulates a Poisson process in which events randomly occur with an
      average waiting time of Lambda.
      <a href = "polpak/polpak.html">
      a library which
      evaluates a variety of mathematical functions, including
      Chebyshev, Gegenbauer, Hermite, Jacobi, Laguerre, Legendre polynomials,
      and the Collatz sequence.
      <a href = "polygon_moments/polygon_moments.html">
      a library which
      computes arbitrary moments of a polygon.
      <a href = "power_method/power_method.html">
      a library which
      carries out the power method for finding a dominant eigenvalue
      and its eigenvector.
      <a href = "ppma_io/ppma_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes an ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) 2D graphics file;
      <a href = "ppmb_io/ppmb_io.html">
      a library which
      reads or writes a binary Portable Pixel Map (PPM) 2D graphics file;
      <a href = "prime_mpi/prime_mpi.html">
      a program which
      counts the number of primes between 1 and N,
      using MPI for parallel execution.
      <a href = "prime_openmp/prime_openmp.html">
      a program which
      counts the number of primes between 1 and N,
      using OpenMP for parallel execution.
      <a href = "prime_serial/prime_serial.html">
      a program which
      counts the number of primes between 1 and N,
      and is intended as a starting point for a parallel version.
      <a href = "pthreads/pthreads.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the POSIX thread library to carry out
      parallel program execution.
      <a href = "pwl_approx_1d/pwl_approx_1d.html">
      a library which
      approximates a set of data using a piecewise linear function.
      <a href = "pwl_interp_1d/pwl_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      interpolates a set of data using a piecewise linear function.
     <a href = "pwl_interp_2d/pwl_interp_2d.html">
      a library which
      evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to data defined on
      a regular 2D grid.
      <a href = "pwl_interp_2d_scattered/pwl_interp_2d_scattered.html">
      a library which
      evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to data which is available
      at an irregularly arranged set of points.
      <a href = "qr_solve/qr_solve.html">
      a library which
      computes the least squares solution of a linear system A*x=b.
      <a href = "quad_mpi/quad_mpi.html">
      a program which
      applies a quadrature rule to estimate an
      integral, working in parallel by using MPI;
      <a href = "quad_openmp/quad_openmp.html">
      a program which
      applies a quadrature rule to estimate an integral over a 1D interval, 
      using OpenMP for parallel execution;
      <a href = "quad_serial/quad_serial.html">
      a program which
      applies a quadrature rule to estimate an integral,
      intended as a starting point for parallelization exercises.
      <a href = "quad2d_openmp/quad2d_openmp.html">
      a program which
      applies a product quadrature rule to estimate an integral over a 2D rectangle, 
      using OpenMP for parallel execution;
      <a href = "quad2d_serial/quad2d_serial.html">
      a program which
      applies a product quadrature rule to estimate an integral over a 2D rectangle,
      intended as a starting point for parallelization exercises.
      <a href = "quadrule/quadrule.html">
      a library which
      defines quadrature rules for approximating integrals;
      <a href = "qvoronoi/qvoronoi.html">
      a program which
      computes the Voronoi diagram
      of a pointset in M dimensions; this program is part of the qhull package;
      <a href = "r4lib/r4lib.html">
      a library which
      contains many utility routines, using single precision real (R4) arithmetic.
      <a href = "r8lib/r8lib.html">
      a library which
      contains many utility routines, using double precision real (R8) arithmetic.
      <a href = "rand48/rand48.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the use of the rand48 family of random number generators
      available in the C/C++ standard library.
      <a href = "randlc/randlc.html">
      a library which
      generates a sequence of pseudorandom numbers,
      used by the NAS Benchmark programs.
      <a href = "random_mpi/random_mpi.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates one way to generate the same sequence of random numbers
      for both sequential execution and parallel execution under MPI.
      <a href = "random_openmp/random_openmp.html">
      a program which
      illustrates how a parallel program using OpenMP can generate multiple
      distinct streams of random numbers.
      <a href = "rbf_interp_1d/rbf_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates radial basis function (RBF) interpolants to 1D data.
      <a href = "rbf_interp_2d/rbf_interp_2d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates radial basis function (RBF) interpolants to 2D data.
      <a href = "rbf_interp_nd/rbf_interp_nd.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates radial basis function (RBF) interpolants to multidimensional data.
      <a href = "rbox/rbox.html">
      a program which
      generates random pointsets for testing computational geometry algorithms;
      <a href = "reactor_simulation/reactor_simulation.html">
      reactor simulation</a>,
      a program which
      is a simple Monte Carlo simulation of the shielding effect of a slab
      of a certain thickness in front of a neutron source.  This program was
      provided as an example with the book "Numerical Methods and Software."
      <a href = "ring_mpi/ring_mpi.html">
      a program which
      uses the MPI parallel programming environment, and measures the time
      necessary to copy a set of data around a ring of processes.
      <a href = "rk4/rk4.html">
      a library which
      applies the fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK) algorithm to estimate the
      solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) at the next time step.
      <a href = "rkf45/rkf45.html">
      a library which
      applies the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF)
      algorithm to solve a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE's);
      <a href = "sandia_rules/sandia_rules.html">
      a library which
      can produce a standard 1D Gauss quadrature rule of
      Chebyshev, Gegenbauer, generalized Hermite, generalized Laguerre, Hermite,
      Jacobi, Laguerre, and Legendre types.
      <a href = "satisfy/satisfy.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search
      for solutions of the circuit satisfy problem.
      <a href = "satisfy_mpi/satisfy_mpi.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search
      for solutions of the circuit satisfy problem,
      using MPI to perform the calculation in parallel.
      <a href = "satisfy_openmp/satisfy_openmp.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search
      for solutions of the circuit satisfy problem,
      using OpenMP for parallel execution.
      <a href = "schedule_openmp/schedule_openmp.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the default, static, and dynamic methods of scheduling
      loop iterations in OpenMP to avoid work imbalance.
      <a href = "sde/sde.html">
      a library which
      illustrates the properties of stochastic differential equations (SDE's), and
      common algorithms for their analysis, 
      by Desmond Higham;
      <a href = "search_mpi/search_mpi.html">
      a program which  
      searches integers between A and B for a solution J such that F(J)=C,
      carried out in parallel using MPI.
      <a href = "search_serial/search_serial.html">
      a program which
      searches the integers from A to B for a value J such that F(J) = C.
      this version of the program is intended as a starting point for
      a parallel approach.
      <a href = "sftpack/sftpack.html">
      a library which
      implements the slow Fourier transform, intended as a teaching
      tool and comparison with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
      <a href = "sgefa_openmp/sgefa_openmp.html">
      a program which
      compares a standard linear algebra solver against a revised version
      which can be run in parallel with OpenMP.
      <a href = "sgmga/sgmga.html">
      a library which
      creates sparse grids based on a mixture of 1D quadrature rule families,
      allowing user specified growth rates for each family,
      allowing anisotropic weights for each dimension.
      <a href = "shepard_interp_1d/shepard_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates Shepard interpolants to 1D data,
      based on inverse distance weighting.
      <a href = "shepard_interp_2d/shepard_interp_2d.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates Shepard interpolants to 2D data,
      based on inverse distance weighting.
      <a href = "shepard_interp_nd/shepard_interp_nd.html">
      a library which
      defines and evaluates Shepard interpolants to multidimensional data,
      based on inverse distance weighting.
      <a href = "showme/showme.html">
      a program which
      displays triangulations and meshes,
      by Jonathan Shewchuk;
      <a href = "simplex_coordinates/simplex_coordinates.html">
      a library which
      computes the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices of a regular
      simplex in M dimensions.
      <a href = "sine_transform/sine_transform.html">
      a library which
      demonstrates some simple properties of the discrete sine transform.
      <a href = "smolpack/smolpack.html">
      a library which
      estimates the integral of a function
      over an M-dimensional hypercube using a sparse grid,
      by Knut Petras;
      <a href = "sparse_interp_nd/sparse_interp_nd.html">
      a library which
      can be used to define a sparse interpolant to a function f(x) of a 
      multidimensional argument.
      <a href = "sphere_grid/sphere_grid.html">
      a library which
      provides a number of ways of generating grids of points, or of
      points and lines, or of points and lines and faces, over the unit sphere.
      <a href = "sphere_lebedev_rule/sphere_lebedev_rule.html">
      a library which
      computes Lebedev quadrature rules for the unit sphere;
      <a href = "sphere_quad/sphere_quad.html">
      a library which
      approximates an integral over the surface of the unit sphere
      by applying a triangulation to the surface;
      <a href = "spline/spline.html">
      a library which
      interpolates or approximates data by piecewise polynomial functions;
      <a href = "spring_ode/spring_ode.html">
      a program which
      shows how line printer graphics can be used to make a crude illustration
      of a solution of the ordinary differential equation (ODE) that describes
      the motion of a weight attached to a spring.
      <a href = "spring_ode2/spring_ode2.html">
      a program which
      shows how gnuplot graphics can be used to illustrate
      a solution of the ordinary differential equation (ODE) that describes
      the motion of a weight attached to a spring.
      <a href = "star_discrepancy/star_discrepancy.html">
      a program which
      computes bounds on the star discrepancy of a set of N points
      in M dimensions,
      by Eric Thiemard.
      <a href = "stochastic_rk/stochastic_rk.html">
      a library which
      applies a Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme to a stochastic ordinary differential equation (ODE).
      <a href = "string_simulation/string_simulation.html">
      a program which
      simulates the behavior of a vibrating string.
      <a href = "stroud/stroud.html">
      a library which
      defines rules for numerical integration (quadrature)
      over M dimensional regions, including spheres, toruses and
      other shapes;
      <a href = "subpak/subpak.html">
      a library which
      contains many utility routines;
      <a href = "subset/subset.html">
      a library which
      ranks, unranks, and generates random
      subsets, combinations, permutations;
      <a href = "subset_sum/subset_sum.html">
      a program which
      seeks solutions of the subset sum problem.
      <a href = "sum_million/sum_million.html">
      a program which
      sums the integers from 1 to 1,000,000, as a demonstration of how
      to rate a computer's speed;
      <a href = "super_blas/super_blas.html">
      a library which
      implements some of the BLAS routines, for
      particular use by super_lu;
      <a href = "super_lu/super_lu.html">
      a library which
      implements a very fast direct solver
      for sparse linear systems;
      <a href = "svd_demo/svd_demo.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the calculation of the
      singular value decomposition (SVD) and some of its properties;
      <a href = "sweep2/sweep2.html">
      a program which
      computes Voronoi Diagrams or Delaunay triangulations,
      by Steve Fortune;
      <a href = "table_io/table_io.html">
      a library which
      reads and writes a simple dataset stored as a table file;
      <a href = "task_division/task_division.html">
      a library which
      implements a simple procedure for smoothly dividing T tasks among
      P processors; such a method can be useful in MPI and other parallel
      environments, particularly when T is not an exact multiple of P,
      and when the processors can be indexed starting from 0 or from 1.
      <a href = "test_approx/test_approx.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for approximation,
      provided as a set of (x,y) data.
      <a href = "test_eigen/test_eigen.html">
      a library which
      implements test matrices for eigenvalue analysis.
      <a href = "test_int/test_int.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for
      approximate integration (quadrature) in one dimension.
      <a href = "test_int_2d/test_int_2d.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for
      approximate integration (quadrature) in two dimensions.
      <a href = "test_int_hermite/test_int_hermite.html">
      a library which
      defines test integrands for Hermite integrals with 
      interval (-oo,+oo) and weight exp(-x^2).
      <a href = "test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for
      approximate integration over a semi-infinite interval,
      often carried out using Gauss-Laguerre quadrature.
      <a href = "test_interp/test_interp.html">
      a library which
      defines test problems for interpolation,
      provided as a set of (x,y) data.
      <a href = "test_interp_1d/test_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      defines test problems for interpolation of data y(x),
      which depends on a 1D argument.
      <a href = "test_interp_2d/test_interp_2d.html">
      a library which
      defines test problems for interpolation of data z(x,y),
      which depends on a 2D argument.
      <a href = "test_interp_nd/test_interp_nd.html">
      a library which
      defines test problems for interpolation of data z(x),
      depending on an M-dimensional argument.
      <a href = "test_ls/test_ls.html">
      a library which
      implements linear least squares test problems of the form A*x=b.
      <a href = "test_mat/test_mat.html">
      a library which
      implements test matrices.
      <a href = "test_matrix_exponential/test_matrix_exponential.html">
      a library which
      defines a set of test cases for computing the matrix exponential.
      <a href = "test_min/test_min.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for
      minimization of a scalar function of a scalar variable.
      <a href = "test_opt_con/test_opt_con.html">
      a library which
      defines test problems for the minimization of a scalar function of several variables, 
      with the search constrained to lie within a specified hyper-rectangle.
      <a href = "test_optimization/test_optimization.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for optimization
      of a scalar function of several variables,
      as described by Molga and Smutnicki.
      <a href = "test_values/test_values.html">
      a library which
      returns a small set of values
      for a variety of mathematical functions,
      suitable for a rough test of accuracy for algorithms;
      <a href = "test_zero/test_zero.html">
      a library which
      implements test problems for the solution
      of a single nonlinear equation in one variable.
      <a href = "testpack/testpack.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates the use of
      a set of test integrand functions chosen by Alan Genz.
      <a href = "tetrahedron_grid/tetrahedron_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes a grid of points inside a 3D tetrahedron.
      <a href = "three_body_simulation/three_body_simulation.html">
      a program which
      simulates the behavior of three planets, constrained to lie in a plane,
      and moving under the influence of gravity,
      by Walter Gander and Jiri Hrebicek.
      <a href = "timer/timer.html">
      programs which
      illustrate how to estimate the CPU time taken by a portion of a program;
      <a href = "timestamp/timestamp.html">
      a library which
      returns the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp, and performs other chores;
      <a href = "toeplitz_cholesky/toeplitz_cholesky.html">
      a library which
      computes the Cholesky factorization of a nonnegative definite symmetric
      Toeplitz matrix.
      <a href = "toms178/toms178.html">
      a library which
      seeks the minimizer of a function of several variables, using the
      Hooke-Jeeves direct search method, by Arthur Kaupe.
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 178.
      <a href = "toms179/toms179.html">
      a library which
      calculates the incomplete Beta ratio,
      by Oliver Ludwig;
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 179.
      <a href = "toms291/toms291.html">
      a library which
      approximates the logarithm of the Gamma function;
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 291.
      <a href = "toms322/toms322.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the F and Student's T Cumulative Density Function (CDF);
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 322.
      <a href = "toms446/toms446.html">
      a library which
      manipulates Chebyshev series for interpolation and approximation;
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 446,
      by Roger Broucke.
      <a href = "toms462/toms462.html">
      a library which
      evaluates the upper right tail of the bivariate normal distribution; that is,
      the probability that normal variables X and Y with correlation R will
      satisfy H <= X and K <= Y;
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 462.
      <a href = "toms655/toms655.html">
      a library which
      computes the weights for interpolatory quadrature rule;
      this library is commonly called IQPACK;
      this is a C version of ACM TOMS algorithm 655.
      <a href = "toms722/toms722.html">
      a library which
      supports IEEE arithmetic.
      <a href = "triangle/triangle.html">
      a program which
      generates meshes, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi diagrams,
      by Jonathan Shewchuk;
      <a href = "triangle_grid/triangle_grid.html">
      a library which
      computes a triangular grid of points.
      <a href = "triangle_io/triangle_io.html">
      a library which
      can read or write some of the files created by Jonathan Shewchuk's
      triangle program.
      <a href = "triangulate/triangulate.html">
      a program which
      triangulates a polygonal region,
      by Joseph ORourke;
      <a href = "triangulation/triangulation.html">
      a library which
      computes the triangulation of
      a set of points in the plane, and to perform various operations
      using a triangulation;
      <a href = "triangulation_triangle_neighbors/triangulation_triangle_neighbors.html">
      a program which
      reads data defining a triangulation, finds the three neighbor
      triangles for each triangle, and writes them to a file;
      <a href = "trig_to_neib/trig_to_neib.html">
      a program which
      reads node and ele files (a format prescribed by triangle)
      describing a triangulation, and produces a file defining the
      neighbor triangles of each element; the program can also produce
      information about the Voronoi diagram.  The program is by Lili Ju.
      <a href = "unicycle/unicycle.html">
      a library which
      considers permutations containing a single cycle, sometimes called cyclic permutations.
      <a href = "uniform/uniform.html">
      a library which
      generates uniform pseudorandom values;
      <a href = "uudecode/uudecode.html">
      a program which
      recovers the original file from a UU encoded file,
      by Stephen Satchell and Chuck Forsberg.
      <a href = "uuencode/uuencode.html">
      a program which
      takes an input file, especially a binary file,
      and creates a UU encoded copy that is a text file, suitable for
      transmission through mail or other text-only systems,
      by Stephen Satchell and Chuck Forsberg.
      <a href = "valgrind/valgrind.html">
      programs which
      illustrate the use of the valgrind suite of programs which includes
      a memory leak detector.
      <a href = "vandermonde_approx_1d/vandermonde_approx_1d.html">
      a library which
      finds a polynomial approximant to data y(x) of a 1D argument by setting up and
      solving an overdetermined linear system for the polynomial coefficients 
      involving the Vandermonde matrix.
      <a href = "vandermonde_approx_2d/vandermonde_approx_2d.html">
      a library which
      finds a polynomial approximant p(x,y) to data z(x,y) of a 2D argument by setting up and
      solving an overdetermined linear system for the polynomial coefficients 
      involving the Vandermonde matrix.
      <a href = "vandermonde_interp_1d/vandermonde_interp_1d.html">
      a library which
      finds a polynomial interpolant to data y(x) of a 1D argument by setting up and
      solving a linear system for the polynomial coefficients 
      involving the Vandermonde matrix.
      <a href = "vandermonde_interp_2d/vandermonde_interp_2d.html">
      a library which
      finds a polynomial interpolant to data z(x,y) of a 2D argument by setting up and
      solving a linear system for the polynomial coefficients 
      involving the Vandermonde matrix.
      <a href = "walsh/walsh.html">
      a library which
      implements versions of the Walsh and Haar transforms.
      <a href = "wavelet/wavelet.html">
      a library which
      does some simple wavelet calculations;
      <a href = "weekday/weekday.html">
      a library which
      determines the day of the week corresponding to a given date,
      such as 14 October 1066, Julian calendar, ... which was a Saturday.
      <a href = "wtime/wtime.html">
      a library which
      returns a reading of the wall clock time in seconds.
      <a href = "xboids/xboids.html">
      a program which
      simulates the behavior of a flying flock of animals,
      displaying the results using X Windows,
      by Conrad Parker.
      <a href = "xising/xising.html">
      a program which
      models the variations in ferromagnetism in a material, displaying
      the results using X Windows,
      by Michael Creutz.
      <a href = "xwaves/xwaves.html">
      a program which
      simulates the behavior of solutions of certain forms of the wave equation, displaying
      the results using X Windows,
      by Michael Creutz.
      <a href = "ziggurat/ziggurat.html">
      a library which
      samples the uniform, normal or exponential distributions, using the ziggurat method, 
      by Marsaglia and Tsang.
      <a href = "ziggurat_openmp/ziggurat_openmp.html">
      a program which
      demonstrates how the ziggurat library can be used to generate random numbers
      in an OpenMP parallel program.

  You can go up one level to
  <a href = "../index.html">the main web page.</a>


  Last revised on 29 November 2012.

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