72 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
In this release, we bumped all prod-dependencies and changed several dev-dependencies to streamline the maintainability of this GitHub actions. This release has no material changes to v3 or v2.
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: update node target mapping to Node 20 @fuxingloh (#262)
- chore(ci): npm run package @fuxingloh-multi-labeler-workflow (#261)
- bump(deps): update dependency io-ts-reporters to v2 @renovate (#259)
- bump(deps): update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v6 @renovate (#260)
- bump(deps): update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.25.0 @renovate (#257)
- chore: update README.md @fuxingloh (#258)
- bump(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4.1.1 @renovate (#255)
- bump(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4.0.2 @renovate (#256)
- chore: bump everything @fuxingloh (#254)
- chore(ci): npm run package @fuxingloh-multi-labeler-workflow (#251)
- chore: fix workflow concurrency conflict @fuxingloh (#253)
- chore: fix ci-package.yml @fuxingloh (#252)
- chore: bump workflows @fuxingloh (#250)
- chore: setup ci-package.yml workflow @fuxingloh (#248)
- chore: update configs of prettier and eslint @fuxingloh (#244)
- chore: setup commit workflow @fuxingloh (#241)