Jasypt integration for Spring boot 1.4.X , 1.5.X and 2.0.0.X
Jasypt Spring Boot provides Encryption support for property sources in Spring Boot Applications.
There are 3 ways to integrate jasypt-spring-boot
in your project:
- Simply adding the starter jar
to your classpath if using@SpringBootApplication
will enable encryptable properties across the entire Spring Environment - Adding
to your classpath and adding@EnableEncryptableProperties
to your main Configuration class to enable encryptable properties across the entire Spring Environment - Adding
to your classpath and declaring individual encryptable property sources with@EncrytablePropertySource
Update 7/18/2015: jasypt-spring-boot
is now in Maven Central!
Use one of the following 3 methods (briefly explained above):
Simply add the starter jar dependency to your project if your Spring Boot application uses
and encryptable properties will be enabled across the entire Spring Environment (This means any system property, environment property, command line argument, application.properties, yaml properties, and any other custom property sources can contain encrypted properties):<dependency> <groupId>com.github.ulisesbocchio</groupId> <artifactId>jasypt-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>1.16</version> </dependency>
IF you don't use
Auto Configuration annotations then add this dependency to your project:<dependency> <groupId>com.github.ulisesbocchio</groupId> <artifactId>jasypt-spring-boot</artifactId> <version>1.16</version> </dependency>
And then add
to you Configuration class. For instance:@Configuration @EnableEncryptableProperties public class MyApplication { ... }
And encryptable properties will be enabled across the entire Spring Environment (This means any system property, environment property, command line argument, application.properties, yaml properties, and any other custom property sources can contain encrypted properties)
IF you don't use
Auto Configuration annotations and you don't want to enable encryptable properties across the entire Spring Environment, there's a third option. First add the following dependency to your project:<dependency> <groupId>com.github.ulisesbocchio</groupId> <artifactId>jasypt-spring-boot</artifactId> <version>1.16</version> </dependency>
And then add as many
annotations as you want in your Configuration files. Just like you do with Spring's@PropertySource
annotation. For instance:@Configuration @EncryptablePropertySource(name = "EncryptedProperties", value = "classpath:encrypted.properties") public class MyApplication { ... }
Conveniently, there's also a @EncryptablePropertySources
annotation that one could use to group annotations of type @EncryptablePropertySource
like this:
public class MyApplication {
Also, note that as of version 1.8, @EncryptablePropertySource
supports YAML files
As of version 1.7 1.15, a 4th method of enabling encryptable properties exists for some special cases. A custom ConfigurableEnvironment
class is provided: EncryptableEnvironment
and StandardEncryptableServletEnvironment
that can be used with SpringApplicationBuilder
to define the custom environment this way:
new SpringApplicationBuilder()
.environment(new StandardEncryptableEnvironment())
This method would only require using a dependency for jasypt-spring-boot
. Notice that . No starter jar dependency is required. This method is useful for early access of encrypted properties on bootstrap. While not required in most scenarios could be useful when customizing Spring Boot's init behavior or integrating with certain capabilities that are configured very early, such as Logging configuration. For a concrete example, this method of enabling encryptable properties is the only one that works with Spring Properties replacement in EncryptableEnvironment
is just a wrapper, so you have to provide the actual Environment implementation, in this case StandardServletEnvironment
files, using the springProperty
tag. For instance:
<springProperty name="user" source="db.user"/>
<springProperty name="password" source="db.password"/>
<appender name="db" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.db.DBAppender">
This mechanism could be used for instance (as shown) to initialize Database Logging Appender that require sensitive credentials to be passed.
Alternatively, if a custom StringEncryptor
is needed to be provided, a second constructor EncryptableEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment, StringEncryptor)
is available for that purpose.
This will trigger some configuration to be loaded that basically does 2 things:
- It registers a Spring post processor that decorates all PropertySource objects contained in the Spring Environment so they are "encryption aware" and detect when properties are encrypted following jasypt's property convention.
- It defines a default
that can be configured through regular properties, system properties, or command line arguments.
When using METHODS 1 and 2 you can define encrypted properties in any of the PropertySource contained in the Environment. For instance, using the @PropertySource annotation:
@PropertySource(name="EncryptedProperties", value = "classpath:encrypted.properties")
public class MyApplication {
And your encrypted.properties file would look something like this:
Now when you do environment.getProperty("secret.property")
or use @Value("${secret.property}")
what you get is the decrypted version of secret.property
When using METHOD 3 (@EncryptablePropertySource
) then you can access the encrypted properties the same way, the only difference is that you must put the properties in the resource that was declared within the @EncryptablePropertySource
annotation so that the properties can be decrypted properly.
Jasypt uses an StringEncryptor
to decrypt properties. For all 3 methods, if no custom StringEncryptor
(see the Custom Encryptor section for details) is found in the Spring Context, one is created automatically that can be configured through the following properties (System, properties file, command line arguments, environment variable, etc.):
Key | Required | Default Value |
jasypt.encryptor.password | True | - |
jasypt.encryptor.algorithm | False | PBEWithMD5AndDES |
jasypt.encryptor.keyObtentionIterations | False | 1000 |
jasypt.encryptor.poolSize | False | 1 |
jasypt.encryptor.providerName | False | SunJCE |
jasypt.encryptor.saltGeneratorClassname | False | org.jasypt.salt.RandomSaltGenerator |
jasypt.encryptor.stringOutputType | False | base64 |
jasypt.encryptor.proxyPropertySources | False | false |
The only property required is the encryption password, the rest could be left to use default values. While all this properties could be declared in a properties file, the encryptor password should not be stored in a property file, it should rather be passed as system property, command line argument, or environment variable and as far as its name is jasypt.encryptor.password
it'll work.
The last property, jasypt.encryptor.proxyPropertySources
is used to indicate jasyp-spring-boot
how property values are going to be intercepted for decryption. The default value, false
uses custom wrapper implementations of PropertySource
, EnumerablePropertySource
, and MapPropertySource
. When true
is specified for this property, the interception mechanism will use CGLib proxies on each specific PropertySource
implementation. This may be useful on some scenarios where the type of the original PropertySource
must be preserved.
For custom configuration of the encryptor and the source of the encryptor password you can always define your own StringEncryptor bean in your Spring Context, and the default encryptor will be ignored. For instance:
public StringEncryptor stringEncryptor() {
PooledPBEStringEncryptor encryptor = new PooledPBEStringEncryptor();
SimpleStringPBEConfig config = new SimpleStringPBEConfig();
return encryptor;
Notice that the bean name is required, as jasypt-spring-boot
detects custom String Encyptors by name as of version 1.5
. The default bean name is:
But one can also override this by defining property:
So for instance, if you define jasypt.encryptor.bean=encryptorBean
then you would define your custom encryptor with that name:
public StringEncryptor stringEncryptor() {
As of jasypt-spring-boot-1.10
there are new extensions points. EncryptablePropertySource
now uses EncryptablePropertyResolver
to resolve all properties:
public interface EncryptablePropertyResolver {
String resolvePropertyValue(String value);
Implementations of this interface are responsible of both detecting and decrypting properties. The default implementation, DefaultPropertyResolver
uses the before mentioned
and a new EncryptablePropertyDetector
You can override the default implementation by providing a Bean of type EncryptablePropertyDetector
with name encryptablePropertyDetector
or if you wanna provide
your own bean name, override property jasypt.encryptor.property.detector-bean
and specify the name you wanna give the bean. When providing this, you'll be responsible for
detecting encrypted properties.
private static class MyEncryptablePropertyDetector implements EncryptablePropertyDetector {
public boolean isEncrypted(String value) {
if (value != null) {
return value.startsWith("ENC@");
return false;
public String unwrapEncryptedValue(String value) {
return value.substring("ENC@".length());
@Bean(name = "encryptablePropertyDetector")
public EncryptablePropertyDetector encryptablePropertyDetector() {
return new MyEncryptablePropertyDetector();
If all you want to do is to have different prefix/suffix for encrypted properties, you can keep using all the default implementations
and just override the following properties in application.properties
(or application.yml
prefix: "ENC@["
suffix: "]"
You can override the default implementation by providing a Bean of type EncryptablePropertyResolver
with name encryptablePropertyResolver
or if you wanna provide
your own bean name, override property jasypt.encryptor.property.resolver-bean
and specify the name you wanna give the bean. When providing this, you'll be responsible for
detecting and decrypting encrypted properties.
class MyEncryptablePropertyResolver implements EncryptablePropertyResolver {
private final PooledPBEStringEncryptor encryptor;
public MyEncryptablePropertyResolver(char[] password) {
this.encryptor = new PooledPBEStringEncryptor();
SimpleStringPBEConfig config = new SimpleStringPBEConfig();
public String resolvePropertyValue(String value) {
if (value != null && value.startsWith("{cipher}")) {
return encryptor.decrypt(value.substring("{cipher}".length()));
return value;
EncryptablePropertyResolver encryptablePropertyResolver(@Value("${jasypt.encryptor.password}") String password) {
return new MyEncryptablePropertyResolver(password.toCharArray());
Notice that by overriding EncryptablePropertyResolver
, any other configuration or overrides you may have for prefixes, suffixes,
and StringEncryptor
will stop working since the Default resolver is what uses them. You'd have to
wire all that stuff yourself. Fortunately, you don't have to override this bean in most cases, the previous options should suffice.
But as you can see in the implementation, there detection and decryption of the encrypted properties are internal to MyEncryptablePropertyResolver
The jasypt-spring-boot-demo-samples repo contains working Spring Boot app examples. The main jasypt-spring-boot-demo Demo app explicitly sets a System property with the encryption password before the app runs. To have a little more realistic scenario try removing the line where the system property is set, build the app with maven, and the run:
java -jar target/jasypt-spring-boot-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --jasypt.encryptor.password=password
And you'll be passing the encryption password as a command line argument. Run it like this:
java -Djasypt.encryptor.password=password -jar target/jasypt-spring-boot-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
And you'll be passing the encryption password as a System property.
If you need to pass this property as an Environment Variable you can accomplish this by creating application.properties or application.yml and adding:
or in YAML
basically what this does is to define the jasypt.encryptor.password
property pointing to a different property JASYPT_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD
that you can set with an Environment Variable, and you can also override via System Properties. This technique can also be used to translate property name/values for any other library you need.
This is also available in the Demo app. So you can run the Demo app like this:
JASYPT_ENCRYPTOR_PASSWORD=password java -jar target/jasypt-spring-boot-demo-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
Note: When using Gradle as build tool, processResources task fails because of '$' character, to solve this you just need to scape this variable like this '$'.
While jasypt-spring-boot-demo is a comprehensive Demo that showcases all possible ways to encrypt/decrypt properties, there are other multiple Demos that demo isolated scenarios.