A Multi Column Plugin for django CMS.
This plugin requires django CMS
2.4 or higher to be properly installed.
- In your projects
_, runpip install djangocms-column
. - Add
setting. - If using Django 1.7 add
'djangocms_column': 'djangocms_column.migrations_django',
if it does not exists); when django CMS 3.1 will be released, migrations for Django 1.7 will be moved to the standard location and the south-style ones tosouth_migrations
. - Run
manage.py migrate djangocms_column
There are 2 plugins: MultiColumn and Column The first is MultiColumn that should be added to your placeholder conf. MultiColumn only allows one plugin as a child: the Column plugin. The Column plugin has a parameter width. With this parameter you can control the width of the column.
You can add a new setting to your settings.py called COLUMN_WIDTH_CHOICES
the default is::
('10%', _("10%")),
('25%', _("25%")),
('33.33%', _('33%')),
('50%', _("50%")),
('66.66%', _('66%')),
('75%', _("75%")),
('100%', _('100%')),
but you can change that to fit your CSS grid framework or other purposes.
If you want to help translate the plugin please do it on transifex: