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NLP To the Rescue! (NLP4)

This project is an attempt to create a system which uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to aid authors in performing systematic literature reviews (SLR). This system offers some implementations of NLP techniques like for example text similarity and key word extraction tailored for the use in a SLR. Hereby the current state of the project is focused on aiding the author in the search of relevant studies and the selection of relevant studies.


Performing a systematic literature review is usually a time-consuming task and can take up to 12 Months (Feng et al, 2017). These tasks are for example:

Natural language processing has the potential to aid an author in doing these task or even completely automate some of them and thereby reduce the time to conduct a full SLR.

This project should give a starting point for future development of additional NLP techniques to automate or aid the specified tasks in a SLR.


As already mentioned the current state of the proposed system, focuses on aiding the author in the search of relevant studies and the section of relevant studies. Therefore we implement the following features:

Some of these features are build upon diverse open source projects. In the following section we will describe the features and their basis in detail and propose optimization possibilities for future work.

All features can be used via the CLI without programming (see CLI section), as well as in code by using the proposed modules as library

PDF extraction

The PDF extraction is implemented with the PDFMiner from It enables the user to extract all text of a PDF in python. An outstanding feature of the PDFMiner is that it recognizes the layout of the given PDF file and therefore is able to extract text from multicolumn pdf layouts. This is especially relevant because many scientific papers have a two column layout, which other PDF extraction frameworks we tried failed on.



pdfFilenamePath: This Input from type "String" describes the Path of the PDF, from which you want to extract the Text

As output, you get the whole Text from the PDF as a string.

Possible optimization / future work

One problem that occurs with the PDF extraction is that disadvantageous parts of the PDF, which contain no usable information for our use case, are also extracted. This means for example the title page with the paper contributors etc. or food- / head- notes. It would be beneficial to analyze ways to remove these parts from the extracted text or recognize them before extracting the text. This would boost the performance of the NLP techniques like the similarity or keyword extraction when they are used in combination with the pdf extraction.

Reference Extraction

This module contains functions to extract references of paper pdfs and their respective abstracts.



The Reference Extraction uses the scholarcy API to extract all references from an uploaded PDF. The scholarcy reference extraction API returns a JSON string with all references in textual description as well as different links to the references. These links can be of 3 different types:

  • crossref => Is a link with the respective doi.

  • scholar_url => Is a link leading to the Google Scholar result of the specific paper

  • oa_query => Leads either directly to a PDF version of the reference or to the paper page of the publishing journal

  • Not for all references all 3 of the types are available.

pdf: Link to pdf or Path to local pdf file.

Returns a dictionary with following format (If not all link types are available the respective key will be missing):

  "id": "Id of reference in the referencing paper",
  "entry": "Title of references",
  "crossref": "",
  "scholar_url": "", 
  "oa_query": ""



Calls the get_referenced_papers() function and passes the result to the AbstractExtraction.get_abstracts_of_reference_links() links to retrieve available abstracts from the paper references.

pdf: Link to pdf or Path to local pdf file.

Returns a dictionary with the references link as key and the title, abstract and if the abstract is retrieved from the doi also the references (see: Abstractextraction.get_abstract_from_doi) of the respective reference.

{"": {"title":"paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract",
  "references": [
        "key": "e_1_3_2_21_2",
        "doi-asserted-by": "publisher",
        "DOI": "10.1016/example_doi"

If the references for the paper aren't available´, "reference" will be "None"

Abstract Extraction

The Abstract Extraction Module implements the following 4 functions to extract abstracts from different sources.



Returns the title, abstract and if available the references of a paper by its given DOI. To retrieve the abstract a request to the crossref API (see API section) with the given doi is made. Since the crossref API offers also the references for some papers they are also returned if available. This is done mainly to safe time in the automatic snowballing.

The crossref API offers abstracts of many free available papers. Nevertheless, it is not possible to retrieve abstract of all papers by this api.

doi: The digital object identifier (doi) of the paper which abstract should be extracted

The output is a python dictionary with the following format:

{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": [
        "key": "e_1_3_2_21_2",
        "doi-asserted-by": "publisher",
        "DOI": "10.1016/example_doi"

If the references for the paper aren't available, "reference" will be "None"



Returns the abstract and the title of any paper hosted by given by the respective arxiv_id. To retrieve the abstract the arxiv API is used (see API section).

arxiv_id: The arxiv_id of the paper which's abstract should be extracted

The output is a python dictionary with the following format:

{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": "None"}

Since arXiv doesn't offer references of papers they are not returned like in get_abstract_from_doi(doi). However, the key "references" is filled with "None" to have a consistent output format of across the functions.



This method trys to get the abstracts of a given pdf. The function makes a request to the scolarcy api, which then returns either the doi or the arxiv id, whichever is available. And then uses the respective get_abstract function specified above with the received id to return the abstract of the given pdf.

pdf: Can either be the path to a local PDF file, or a URL to a PDF file.

The output is a python dictionary with the following format:

{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": "None"} # if arXiv paper
{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": {"key":"e_1_3_2_21_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1016/example_doi"}
} # if paper with doi
{"title": "None", "abstract": "None", "references": "None"} # If neither an arXiv id nor an doi could be extracted from the pdf



The get_abstracts_of_reference_links function is especially made to retrieve the abstracts from the reference_links retrieved of the scholarcy API by the ReferenceExtraction.get_referenced_papers() function. The function tries to retrieve the abstracts for each retrieved references in the following three different ways:

  1. If for the reference a link of type "crossref" (meaning: is available, the doi is extracted from the link. The extracted doi is than passed to the AbstractExtraction.get_abstracts_of_doi() function to retrieve the abstract of the reference.
  2. If No crossref link is available it is checked if an arxiv link is available. In this case the arXiv_id is extracted is passed to the AbstractExtract.get_abstract_from_arxiv_id() function to retrieve the title and the abstract of the reference.
  3. If none of these links is available a get request to the "oa_query" link is made. If the "content-type" of the response is application/pdf the response url is passed to the AbstractExtraction.get_abstract_by_pdf() function to try to extract the abstract from the pdf url. If none of these 3 steps is successful no abstract for the reference is extracted. In case one of the steps is successful the retrieved abstract will be added to a dictionary with the respective link as key and the respective abstract dictionary as value.

reference_links: Input should be the output of the ReferenceExtraction.get_referenced_papers() function

Ouput is a dictionary with the following format:

 {"": {"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": {"key":"e_1_3_2_21_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1016/example_doi"}},
  "": {"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": "None"}
Possible optimization / future work

Since the current approach to extract papers from pdf files is quite slow, due to the fact that we need to request first the scholarcy api and then either the crossref or arxiv api, it would be useful to find a solution to extract the abstracts directly from the pdf files.


The similarities module implements the sentence-transformers/allenai-specter model, which is an implementation of the SPECTER-Model. The SPECTER-Model is a transformer to generate document-level embeddings of scientific documents based on Sci-BERT. It is trained with consideration of the relatedness of scientific documents citing each other. This means that the embedding representations of papers are closer to each other when one cites the other.

The sentence-transformers/allenai-specter implementation of the SPECTER-Model enables to create SPECTER embeddings of titles and abstracts of papers.


specter_query_reference_similarity(corpus_set, query_set)

This function generates the SPECTER embeddings and calculates the cosine similarity of each reference in query_set with each reference in the corpus set and return the similarities. It uses the sentence_transformers.util.semantic_search from the sentence-transformers/allenai-specter model for this.

corpus_set: List of dictionary's containing title and abstract of papers

[{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": {"key":"e_1_3_2_21_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1016/example_doi"}},
{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": "None"}]

query_set: Dictionary containing paper id's as key and title and abstract as value

{"10.1177/0093650214565914": {
            "title": "Paper title",
            "abstract": "Paper abstract"},
  "10.117/9090": "..."

Output is a dictionary containing the similarity score of each query_set paper with each corpus_set paper with the following format:

{"10.1177/0093650214565914": [[{"corpus_id": 0, "score": 0.8752286434173584}, {"corpus_id": 1, "score": 0.6487678289413452}]]}


specter_1to1_cosine(first, second)

Creates the SPECTER embeddings of two passed strings and returns their cosine similarity

first: First string for comparison
second: Second string for comparison

Returns similarity of both strings as float number.


pdf_similarity(first, second, only_abstract=False)

Creates the SPECTER embeddings of two passed PDFs and returns their cosine similarity.

first: First string for comparison
second: Second string for comparison
only_abstract: If true it will first try to extract the abstracts of the specified pdf and only calculate the similarity of the abstracts.

Returns similarity of both pdfs/abstracts as float number.

Paper Search

Automatic Snowballing

The automatic snowballing feature performs a full automized forward snowballing, by measuring the similarity of abstracts of the references of papers in a given snowballing seed set, with the abstracts of all the papers in the seed set. If the similarity of a reference abstract with any of the seed set abstracts is higher than a threshold similarity_threshold, the reference will be added to the seed set as well. This is done for a user specified number of iterations. Unfortunately the snowballing is quite slow at the moment and needs about three to five minutes per paper per iteration (Also depending on the numbers of references the papers have).

The starting seed set must consist of PDF files located in a specified folder. The papers in the seed set should be preselected papers of high relevance for your research topic.

snowballing(seed_set_path, iterations, min_similarity=0.85, result_file="snowballing_result.json")

The snowballing function starts by extracting the abstracts of the seed set papers by using the get_abstract_by_pdf() function of the AbstractExtraction module and adding them to the corpus_set variable. After extracting the seed set abstracts, the references of the seed set and their respective abstracts are extracted by using the get_reference_abstracts function of the ReferenceExtraction module. The reference abstracts are added to the query_set variable. Then the corpus_set and the query_set are passed as parameters to the get_similar_references function to retrieve the similarity of every retrieved abstract with every seed set abstract. Those references that exceed the specified similarity threshold are than added to two dictionary. The result_set and the new_set. The snowballing process is then continued in a while loop for the given number of iterations where in every iteration the new_set is appended to the corpus_set

seed_set_path: Path to the folder containing the papers to start with(the seed set)
iterations: Number of iterations to for the snowballing process
min_similarity: Minimum similarity a reference needs to have with the seed set to be taken up in the result_set
result_file: A path to a json file in with the result should be saved

Save the json result of the snowballing in the result_file


get_similar_references(corpus_set, query_set, min_similarity):

Calculates the similarity's of each query_set (the new_references) paper with each corpus_set (seed_set/current result_set) paper and only returns those papers of the query_set (with their achieved similarity) that have a higher similarity than min_similarity with one of the corpus_set papers.

corpus_set: List of dictionary's containing title and abstract of papers

[{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": {"key":"e_1_3_2_21_2","doi-asserted-by":"publisher","DOI":"10.1016/example_doi"}},
{"title": "paper title", "abstract": "paper abstract", "references": "None"}]

query_set: Dictionary containing paper id's as key and title and abstract as value

{"10.1177/0093650214565914": {
            "title": "Paper title",
            "abstract": "Paper abstract"},
  "10.117/9090": "..."

min_similarity: Minimum similarity to return the reference

Returns a dictionary with each paper of the query_set that exceeds the min_similarity with one of the corpus_set papers:

  "10.1177/0093650214565914": {
    "title": "Test Title",
    "abstract": " This study joins a growing body of research that demonstrates the behavioral consequences of hostile media perceptions. Using survey data from a nationally representative U.S. sample, this study tests a moderated-mediation model examining the direct and indirect effects of hostile media perceptions on climate change activism. The model includes external political efficacy as a mediator and political ideology and internal political efficacy as moderators. The results show that hostile media perceptions have a direct association with climate activism that is conditioned by political ideology: Among liberals, hostile media perceptions promote activism, whereas among conservatives, they decrease activism. Hostile media perceptions also have a negative, indirect relationship with activism that is mediated through external political efficacy; however, this relationship is conditioned by both ideology and internal political efficacy. Specifically, the indirect effect manifests exclusively among conservatives and moderates who have low internal efficacy. Theoretical, normative, and practical implications are discussed. ",
    "similarity": "0.8984190225601196, similar to corpus_set Papers"
Possible optimization / future work

The whole snowballing process is right now really slow, this is mainly caused by the slow extraction of references and abstracts via the different APIs. Here another approach for retrieving these would be nice.

Paper Selection

This module contains four functions which can be used to select papers on the basis of the similarity between the query and the papers you are interested in, and it can show the result in a plot.


paper_importance(text=[], keywords=[])

This function makes it possible to compare Keywords or a research topic with one or more texts. Therefore, it uses the keywords and the text and calculates the cosines similarity of those. As result, you get a value for of each keyword relating to all the papers you hand over the function.

text: The parameter takes a list of texts (strings). So it is possible to calculate the similarity between more than just one text. -> much more efficient. You can use a whole text, phrases or just the abstract. Feel free to try!

keywords: Also the attribute "keywords" is a list of strings. Those can represent a list of single keywords, phrases or sentences. Which get compared with the list of texts you hand over.

The function returns a dataframe from pandas. In this you have in one axis the texts and on the other the several keywords. It is a matrix where you can find the evaluation of all the papers and keywords.



This function makes it possible to plot the results from the function "paper_importance". This function creates an interactive plot, where in the x-axe are shown the several keywords and on the y-axe the score regarding the paper. The different papers are shown in single traces on this plot. Since it is an interactive plot, it is possible to inactivate or activate the single traces.

df: The input is a dataframe, which contains the results of the "paper_importance". Just hand over the return of this function.

The function returns the object file of the plot. So it is possible to handle this or to save it afterwards.


snowballing_paper_importance(snowballing_result_path, keywords=[]):

Calculates the paper importance like in PaperSelection.paper_importance but for the snowballing results and adds the similarity with the keywords to the snowballing_result json.

snowballing_result_path: json file resulting from PaperSearch.snowballing()

Returns json file with keyword similarity of each paper in the file added.



Plots the result of the PaperSelection.snowballing_paper_importance, by transforming the json to a pandas data frame and passing it to the PaperSelecton.plot_paper_selection function

snowballing_result_path: json file resulting from PaperSelection.snowballing_paper_importance

The function returns the object file of the plot. So it is possible to handle this or to save it afterwards.


Possible optimization / future work
  1. Probably it would be nice to implement a plot methode to all other functions, so it would be easy to evaluate them and have a good overview.
  2. Right now we calculate the importance under the assumption that it doesn´t matter if we use keywords or a whole sentence to compare it with the text. It might be good the implement several functions. One for words ->Bert and the other for sentence -> SBert

Keyword/Keyphrase Extractor

This file contains two methods, the "yake_extraction" and the "rake_phrase_extraction" both can be used to extract keyphrases but for single keyword extraction you can only use the "yake_extraction".


The yake extraction provides more than on possibility to extract keywords from the text. The function has a lot of input parameter. With them, it is possible to define a lot of properties.

yake_extraction(text, number_of_keyphrases=10, language='en', words_in_keyphrase=10, deduplication_threshold=0.5)

text:This Parameter is the String where you want to extract the keywords/phrases. number_of_keyphrases: With that integer you can define how many keywords/phrases you want to extract.
language: This string defines the language of the text, where you want to extract the data.
words_in_keyphrase: This Parameter is an integer which defines the number of words in a keyphrase. If you actually want to extract single keywords you might use the value "1" otherwise you get longer phrases.
deduplication_threshold: With that threshold it is possible to finetune the extraction. So that the several Keyphrases consists out of duplication.
E.g.1 threshold -> low [Keyword, Keyword Extraction, Keywords out of text]
E.g.2 threshold -> high [Keyword, Extraction, Words out of text]

As output this function returns a dictionary of all the phrases which you defined with "number_of_keyphrases" and the score of it.


This function is a simple implementation to extract keyphrases out of a text. There are no more variables to define.

rake_phrase_extraction(text, number_of_keywords=10)

The input of this function is first the text(string) where you want to extract the keyphrases from. The other input "number_of_keywords" is the number how many phrases you want to return.

As output this function returns a list of all the phrases which you defined with "number_of_keywords" and the score of it.

Possible optimization / future work
  1. One important task might be to evaluate the functionality of the extractors.
  2. Also it would be great to find out, which form of text works best. -> Just the abstract, the whole text and so on.


The summarization function is implemented with the function from it creates a summarization out of a text. Therefor it builds up a similarity matrix between all sentences and the text and takes the most valued sentences as sentences for the summarization. This file contains four functions for that: read_article, sentence_similarity, build_similarity_matrix and generate_summary.


This function reads the text and parse it into the single sentences, and also it removes special characters out of the string.


The input of this function is a text(string) that you want to summarize.

Output: > As an output it returns a list of all sentences without the special symbols in it.


This function compares two sentences with each other and returns a value of the similarity of those both. Also, it removes stopwords out of the sentences. This function is used to build up the similarity matrix.

sentence_similarity(sent1, sent2, stopwords=None)

sent1: Is a string of sentence one.
sent2: Is a string of sentence two.
stopwords: This parameter can be a list where you can hand over the stopwords you want to remove.

The return of this function is a value, which represent the similarity of the two sentences above.


The function gets the list of all sentences and calculates for all of them the similarity to build the matrix.

build_similarity_matrix(sentences, stop_words)

sentences: This is a List of all sentences and should be the return of the function "read_article"
stopwords: Here you can hand over a list of stopwords which get removed before calculating the similarity. If the value is "none" no stopwords got removed.

The function returns a matrix in the size of (len(sentences) x len(sentences))


This function concatenates all the other functions above. So you just need to call a single function to create a summary.

generate_summary(file_name, top_n=5)

file_name: This is the input to give the function the Text you want to summarize
top_n: This parameter defines how long your summarize going to be. E.g. top_n = 5, creates a summary out of the 5 highest valued.

The function returns the summary as a string.

Text Preprocessing

This file is a implementation of some nltk functions to preprocess the text which you want to work with. This is not always necessary, because some of those steps are already implemented in the other functions. Preprocessing steps: tokenize, remove_stopwords, lemmatizing, port_stemmer and position_tag.


This function tokenize the text from the input.


text: String of the text which should be tokenized.

Returns a list with all tokens.


remove_stopwords(text=str(""), stops=[])

text: This input parameter is a string from where the stopwords going to be removed.
stops: Is a list with all the words you want to remove.



This function creates lemmas out of single words.


text: This parameter is a string, which is going to be split up by the tokenize function

The output is a text with lemmas, no words.


This function stems all words out of an text.


text: String that contains the text where the words are going to be stemmed.

This function returns a text with stemmed words.


This methode tags all the words in a text. E.g. Verb, adjective ...


text: String that contains the text where the words are going to be tagged.

Returns a text with all words and the relating tags.

Command line interface (cli)

Instead of using the above described modules and their function in code or as a library you can simply use most of these function with simple cli commands which will be explainend in the following section. All cli commands need to be called from the path NLP4/src/modules.

For a detailed description about parameters and functionality of each cli command call the respective command with "--help" flag.

Explanation of all function
pipenv run --help

Uses Summarization.generate_summary() to summarize given text

pipenv run summarization --text"your text"

Calls PaperSelection.paper_importance and PaperSelection.plot_paper_selection with the passed arguments

pipenv run paper_selection  --text="["text1", "text2"]" --keywords="["kw1", "kw2"]"

Runs the automated snowballing with the papers with the passed_seed set. If none is passed, default path NLP4/src/seed_set will be used.

pipenv run snowballing --seed_set_path"path to seed_set" --iterations=1  --min_similarity=0.85

Calls PaperSelection.snowballing_paper_importance with the given snowballing_result_file and the specified key_words

pipenv run snowballing_paper_selection --snowballing_result_path="path to snowballing result" --keywords="["test","test2"]"

Compares the similarity of two passed pdf with Similarities.pdf_similarity with the specified files.

pipenv run pdf_similarity --paper1="Path To paper" --paper2="Path To paper" --only_abstract=False

Extracts key_phrases of given PDF with KeywordKeyphraseExtractor.yake_extraction.

pipenv run extract_keywords_pdf --pdf="path to pdf"


Extracts key_phrases of given PDF with KeywordKeyphraseExtractor.rake_phrase_extraction.

pipenv run extract_keyphrases_pdf --pdf="path to pdf" 

Getting started

To set up a development environment and to use the CLI, simply run the following commands:

# Clone the project
git clone
cd {project_directory}
# Install pipenv and dependencies
pip install pipenv
pipenv install 

The project is now setup you can now either use and extend the code(e.g. as library) or use the CLI commands like shown:

cd src/modules #Navigate to the modules task
pipenv run --help #Run CLI help to get an overview over all function 

For example try to run a snowballing by placing a few papers inside: /src/seed_set and then simply run:

pipenv run snowballing --iterations=1  --min_similarity=0.85

API reference

Scholarcy Reference Extraction API

The Scholarcy Reference Extraction API is an open REST API for extracting, parsing and resolving bibliographic references from PDF, Word (.docx), and text (.txt) documents. You can either make a GET request with the link to a file of ap paper or an POST request with the file of the paper appended. The API will then extract the references from paper and return the in a json string in the response. The JSON string contains all references in textual description as well as different links to the references. These links can be of 3 different types:

  • crossref => Is a link with the respective doi.

  • scholar_url => Is a link leading to the Google Scholar result of the specific paper

  • oa_query => Leads either directly to a PDF version of the reference or to the paper page of the publishing journal

  • Not for all references all 3 of the types are available.

Example Response:
  "filename": "15.pdf",
  "metadata": {
    "arxiv": null,
    "doi": "10.1371/journal.pone.0098679",
    "isbn": null,
    "date": 2014
  "references": [
    "1. Bastian M, Heymann S, Jacomy M (2009) Gephi: an open source software for exploring and manipulating networks. In: International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.",
    "2. Diminescu D (2008) The connected migrant: an epistemological manifesto. Social Science Information 47: 565–579."
  "bibtex": "@incollection{bastian2009a,\n  author = {Bastian, M. and Heymann, S. and Jacomy, M.},\n  date = {2009},\n  title = {Gephi: an open source software for exploring and manipulating networks},\n  booktitle = {International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence},\n  language = {}\n}\n@article{diminescu2008a,\n  author = {Diminescu, D.},\n  date = {2008},\n  title = {The connected migrant: an epistemological manifesto},\n  journal = {Social Science Information},\n  volume = {47},\n  pages = {565–579},\n  language = {}\n}",
  "reference_links": [
      "id": "1",
      "entry": "1. Bastian M, Heymann S, Jacomy M (2009) Gephi: an open source software for exploring and manipulating networks. In: International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.",
      "scholar_url": "",
      "oa_query": ""
      "id": "2",
      "entry": "2. Diminescu D (2008) The connected migrant: an epistemological manifesto. Social Science Information 47: 565–579.",
      "scholar_url": "",
      "oa_query": ""

Crossref REST API

The Crossref REST API is an API which gives the user access to all kind of meta data of many papers by making a request with the doi of the paper. We mainly use the metadata "reference" containing the references of the paper and "abstract", containing the abstract of the paper. For more information about the crossref API we recommend taking a look at it's documentation:


The arXiv API allows access to all the arXiv data. This contains data like tiles, abstracts, authors and links to pdf files. Unfortunately the arxiv API enables no access to references. To use the arxiv api we use this python wrapper:


We implemented unit test with a code coverage of 97%. We couldn't cover 99% because some functions like the reference_extraction have some very rare exceptions when for example the scholarcy request responses with an 503 error. For these cases we couldn't find test examples.

Project structure

The Python Project structure and the github workflows including the typing, linting and testing are generated from


This project is licensed under the terms of MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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