Welcome to the ph-ee-community repository! This guide will walk you through building the projects, running Checkstyle, raising Pull Requests (PRs), and understanding the services included in this repo.
- ph-ee-bill-pay
- ph-ee-connector-airtel
- ph-ee-connector-ams-mifos
- ph-ee-connector-ams-paygops
- ph-ee-connector-ams-pesa
- ph-ee-connector-bulk
- ph-ee-connector-crm
- ph-ee-connector-gsma-mm
- ph-ee-connector-bulk-mojaloop-java
- ph-ee-connector-mpesa
- ph-ee-connector-mtn
- ph-ee-zeebe-ops
To build a specific project within the ph-ee-community repository:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd path/to/project-directory
Run the build command:
./gradlew build
Check for successful build output.
Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards by running Checkstyle:
To check checkstyle for specific service directory: Navigate to the project directory:
cd path/to/project-directory
Use below command to execute the checkstyle test.
./gradlew checkstyleMain
Use below command to execute the spotless apply.
./gradlew spotlessApply
Review the output and resolve any issues.
PR title should have the Jira ticket enclosed in [].
Format: [jira_ticket]
Example: [phee-123]
PR title
Add a link to the Jira ticket.
Describe the changes made and why they were made.
- Followed the PR title naming convention mentioned above.
- Added design-related bullet points or design document links in the description.
- Updated corresponding Postman Collection or API documentation.
- Created/updated unit or integration tests.
- Added required Swagger annotations and updated API documentation.
- Followed naming conventions as per the Naming Convention Document.
- Navigate to the main class of the service.
- Run the main class in Java.
- For each service, modify the port in the application.yml file to avoid conflicts.
- Start each service by running the main class of Java in its respective directory.
Contributing to ph-ee-community? Here's how you can raise a PR:
Fork the repository and create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m "Add: Description of changes"
Push your branch to your forked repository:
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
Open a PR on the main repository, ensuring you:
Link the relevant Jira ticket in the PR title: [JIRA-ID]
Your PR Title.
Add a detailed description of your changes.
After raising a PR, you can check the pipeline results on CircleCI to ensure that your builds are successful and charts are building properly.
After you submit a PR, go to CircleCI, where the pipeline will automatically run. The status of your build will be displayed, indicating whether it passed or failed.
Integration tests should be added in the ph-ee-core repository under the same Jira ticket. Once the tests are added, you can then check the CircleCI results in the ph-ee-core repository to ensure your code is functioning correctly.
By following these steps, you can verify that your changes meet the required standards.
Documentation: Link to additional documentation.