Enigma Machine Emulator intended to be submitted a task on Information and Network Security (IFC31B3) course.
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:fzl-22/enigma-machine-emulator.git
Navigate to the directory:
cd enigma-machine-emulator
This enigma
CLI can be easily installed by executing the install script. First, elevate the permission of install.sh
chmod u+x install.sh
Then, execute the install script:
Note that this installation script is still only worked on GNU/Linux. The Windows installation script is yet to come soon. You can check the installation status by executing this command:
enigma --version
Enigma CLI can be used in this format:
enigma JOHNDOE
Then, the output will be:
To decipher it, just run the same command with the ciphered text:
enigma MZFXWZQ
Then, the output will be: