- MongoDB
- npm
# install dependencies
cd backend
# set the enviroment variables with ```.env``` file
cp .env-sample .env
# modify the env file
# install dependecies and start the server
npm install
npm run dev
# the server will listen on port 1337
For Windows users who encounter issues installing bcrypt (Can't find Python executable), please run the following command to install the Windows Build Tools using an elevated (Administrator) terminal window which installs the VS Build Tools and also Python 2.7
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
cd scripts/had-import
# install dependecies
npm install
# import the csv to db
node had-importer.js import data/had_result_20190311.csv localhost:1337
cd app
# install dependecies and start the server
npm install
# the server will listen on port 3000
npm run dev