Issue 66: preferences still save to the config database if a TinySA is not connected.
Issue 67: file >Browse TinySA shows correct bitmap file and 'save' saves the selected (clicked-on) file.
Fixed trace updates stopping for very fast sweeps.
The single file executables below include the config database. If you are upgrading from a version older than v0.11.7, rename the old database first and the new one will be copied automatically.
QtTinySA.bin is a new Linux executable that was built using the 'Nuitka' Python Compiler and works on Ubuntu 24.04 and 22.04 and Debian v12. It does not work on earlier versions.
QtTinySA.exe is a new Windows executable that was built using the 'Nuitka' Python Compiler.
QtTinySA_W11_by_pyinstaller.exe is a Windows executable built with pyinstaller as the Nuitka one is flagged by Windows Defender.