This is our first project. It's a learning experience: a little OOP, a little refactoring, a little Git.
Github has an amazing windows client now, but you'll always need to know some basic commands, because they're the basic operations that you need to perform with Git. For instance:
Once you've made a change you would like to keep, you need to "commit" it in Git.
It's not difficult to do this in the Windows client, but the following method is foolproof:
Right-click on the project directory and select "Git Bash here". A prompt will come up, and you can run the commands
git add .
git commit -a -m "My descriptive message"
For instance, you just made it scroll in 4 directions. Oh frabjous day! So make a commit with a good commit message:
git add .
git commit -a -m "Added 4-direction scrolling to images"
Later on, if you've screwed the pooch, other git commands can help you get back to where everything was working.
This even applies to images -- everything in this folder and its subfolders is tracked, with all changes recorded.
For now, just commit all changes -- later, we can use the GUI to see what's changed, and others can help you rebase, undo, rollback etc.
Some other commands:
git init makes a new git project in the current directory
git status like, 'you have untracked files' or 'all good'