Timeline Graphs, UI improvements and Robustness
Timeline Graphs
Users can generate timeline graph for a benchmark on allRuns page, shown on a Modal
The graph has the following filters
Result Type
The graph shows month wise improvement in the numbers of that benchmark
UI Improvements
New and beautiful colour scheme for bar graphs.
Related SKUs have similar shade colours.
Darker colours for newer generations
About page UI improved. Using bootstrap tab-list. List group consumes less space
In reports page, Benchmark names are now vertically scrollable
AllTests page has styles consistent with the theme of the application.
Borders added, bold element styles removed
Other changes
Dashboard Graphs have Legend skus according to sku_definition.ini. Applied custom sorting on dataframe
Focus is moved to search bar on clicking filter by benchmark/label in reports page
Bug Fixes
Added exception handling in CPU Utilization graphs. Empty graphs shown where files do not exist
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