Designed with mobile viewing in mind, this is a variation of the project set forth by Turing School of Software and Design. See rubric here.
Significant attempts were made to keep user preferences in mind while still maintaining DRY and empathetic code.
Updated: 2021/02/16
To view please:
- clone down the api:
[email protected]:turingschool-examples/travel-tracker-api.git
- in your terminal, cd into the api and run
npm start
- then please visit here to interact and view
- for best experience, please view via mobile device or through the dev tools viewing options
A traveler can login and see their specific travels.
- login by using the keyword
with any number 1 - 50 at the end; no spaces - (ie:
) - please use
as the catchall password
View your trip depending on if it's current/on going, a future trip, or a past trip. Pending trips are accounted for by a number.
Select date, number of travelers, number of days on the trip, and a location to see the estimate of the cost.
Once a traveler has decided, they can then submit a request for booking and that booking will now appear under pending on the main page.
A traveler can choose between light and dark mode.
- JS
- ESlint
- Node for testing
- Flat Icon for icons
- WAVE for accessibility auditing
- Lighthouse for accessibility auditing
- Webpack
- Luxon; an npm package to manage dates
Finishing up to Iteration 3 Having a Dark Mode Finding different solutions for strange problems
There was a point I struggled with myself constantly because I felt as if because I wasn't on scheduled as planned and because of the constant snags and asking for help and getting stuck-- as if it didn't matter how much effort and detail I put into my projecy. That I wouldn't finish. My hardwork would remain unsung and only my failures would be acknowledged. Most of this is the result of already existing self-doubt that became heightened when in a high stress and high stakes venture.
For next time, though, when I find myself experiencing these feelings again, I hope to remember to look back on this project and remember my dedication, my hardwork, and my passion is what this showcased overall.
More specifics about future work or refactoring can be found in this projects GH issues.
Generally, though, I think the Traveler class needs a buffing to DRY it up. There is a method included that I never used (Issue #26) and some additional consideration could be put into if the object instantiation of Traveler should contain its own list of trips (Issue #26).
Although created and tested, the Destination class is never used. (Issue #27)
The site is responsive, but best viewed on a mobile device. I would like to apply media queries (Issue #28) to make the viewing more pleasing on a desktop or tablet. Priorities were given to functionality, general usability, and dark mode enablization.
Thank you Casey Dallavalle, Josh Antoson, and Alice Ruppert for your guidance and advice.
If you'd like to contribute to the code, please complete the following steps:
- clone this repo locally:
[email protected]:gaj23/get-going-gone.git
- also clone the associated API:
[email protected]:turingschool-examples/travel-tracker-api.git
- cd into both the local copy and the API copy and run
npm install
- in the local copy, please also download the (Luxon)[] dependency
npm install --save luxon
- from there please create a new branch following this pattern:
git checkout -b initials/feature-fix/focus-of-branch
- contribute as you'd like and push up your work for review Thank you.
Gabrielle Joyce GH |