The goal of CEREsFit (Correlated Errors Regression Estimate Fit) is to provide a python package that allows to calculate linear regressions on data sets with correlated uncertainties. The calculations follow the methodology published by Mahon (1996). Typos and errors that were made in that work have been corrected. A method to allow calculating a linear regression through a fixed point, avoiding previously made errors, is also provided.
The package can be installed from pypi
pip install ceresfit
Below is an example on how to use the package.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ceresfit import LinReg
>>> # some data
>>> xdata = np.array([1, 2, 3.1, 4.9])
>>> ydata = np.array([1.1, 1.9, 3, 5.5])
>>> # some uncertainty and correlation
>>> xunc = 0.05 * xdata
>>> yunc = 0.073 * ydata
>>> rho = np.zeros_like(xdata) + 0.5
>>> # do regression
>>> my_reg = LinReg(xdata, xunc, ydata, yunc, rho)
>>> # print out the parameters and their uncertainties
>>> my_reg.slope
(0.9983613298400896, 0.06844666435449052)
>>> my_reg.intercept
(0.05545398718611372, 0.11812746374874884)
>>> my_reg.mswd
Detailed example on how to use the class for fitting and plotting the results can be found in these Jupyter notebooks.
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rye sync
in the project folder and you should be good to go.
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rye fmt
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rye test
rye run test_docs
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the second checks the documentation tests using xdoctest
Please feel free to raise issues on GitHub and open pull requests if you have a feature to be added. Tests and adequate docstrings should be provided along with your new code.