A Giter8 template for the Gatling performance test project.
The Gatling-template.g8 is a handy tool that allows you to quickly create SBTs for Gatling. The template allows you to create projects for HTTP (default), JDBC, AMQP, and Kafka protocols. The template supports Windows and Unix OS.
sbt new galax-io/gatling-template.g8
Confirm your operating system in the os_windows field. Set this field to "y" if you use Windows OS. Default value for Unix OS is "n".
Enter the name of your service in the name field.
Enter your domain in the package field to form the project structure, e.g. when the value of the packaging field is
set to "org.galaxio.performance" the project structure will be org.galaxio/performance/
Parameters "name" and "package" are required. Leave the default or specify yours.
How to install sbt https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/Setup.html.
Use the following parameters to create a template
Parameter | Description | Default value |
os_windows | If you are using Windows OS, set this parameter | n |
package | Package name | org.galaxio.performance |
name | Service name | myservice |
http | Protocol used in scripts | y |
jdbcPlugin | Protocol used in scripts | n |
amqpPlugin | Protocol used in scripts | n |
kafkaPlugin | Protocol used in scripts | n |
scala_version | Version dependencies in project | 2.13.8 |
sbt_version | Version dependencies in project | 1.7.1 |
gatling_version | Version dependencies in project | 3.8.4 |
sbt_gatling_version | Version dependencies in project | 4.2.3 |
sbt_scalafmt_version | Version dependencies in project | 2.4.6 |
gatling_picatinny_version | Version dependencies in project | 0.11.2 |
By default, a project will be created with the org.galaxio.performance
package and the name myservice
, for the HTTP protocol,
with the specified dependency versions
In Gatling version 3.4.2, the typesafe.config library was updated, where, for security reasons, they removed the loading of all variables from ENV into the config. To override a variable from simulation.conf you need:
- By setting the JVM property
; - Pass the variable in the
format, for exampleCONFIG_FORCE_intensity=100
More details here.
At the moment, when working in Windows using SBT version lower than 1.4.1 there is a problem - the temporary .gitignore file is not deleted. This does not affect project creation.
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.