An Angular starter kit featuring Angular 19.2.2, Angular CLI 19.2.3
it's part of a repo series designed to create a Progressive Web App with Angular
# choose a repo
# download the example or clone the repo from github
git clone
# download the example or clone the repo from gitlab
git clone
# change directory
cd angular-ssr
# install the repo with npm
npm install
# start the server
npm start
in your browser go to http://localhost:4200
npm install
(installing dependencies)npm outdated
(verifying dependencies)
npm run start
- in your browser http://localhost:4200
npm run lint
npm run test
npm run coverage
npm run build
( with SSR)
npm run serve
- in your browser http://localhost:4000
npm run test
change directory
cd ui- launch html pages in your browser
build image
docker build -t angular-starter:1.0.0 .
run container
docker run -d -p 4000:4000 angular-starter:1.0.0
run container mode bash
docker run -it angular-starter:1.0.0 /bin/bash
in your browser http://localhost:4000
- Author : danny
English Tutorials
- Tutorials Step-by-Step -
Tutoriels en français
- Installation -
- Tutoriels Etape par étape -