Runs tests using different HornetQ versions for the client and server.
There are three different modules, and these test different scenarios:
- fail-over
- high-availability
- single-server
To run all tests, just issue
export MAVEN_OPTS=""
mvn verify
(note: On Windows platform you need use 'set' instead of 'export': set and do not add quotes)
We reuse tests from the Joram tests Maven sub-project of the HornetQ project.
Currently this JAR of test code is not deployed to Maven repositories. So in order to run the tests you need to clone HornetQ's git project and install this JAR to your local Maven repository.
In order to change the versions used, you should make use of the exiting Maven profiles (or create a new profile if necessary).
Select one profile to set the server version and one profile to set the client version. Example:
mvn -P 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT-SERVER,2.2.19-CLIENT verify
The default profile determines the default versions.