part of QDaq ( - Qt-based Data Acquisition
A lightweight Qt5 console widget based on QPlainTextEdit providing also a QIODevice interface.
It can be used as an interactive scripting terminal or a log window. Features include standard console-like editing, command history, formatted input, output & error streams.
TODO: syntax highlighting
Instantiate the widget and set it to input mode. Connect a QObject slot to the consoleCommand signal to receive the user input.
QConsoleWidget w;
w.writeStdOut("enter command> ");
MyQObjet::evalCommand(const QString& code)
Alternatively you can use a QTextStream to interact with QConsoleWidget:
QConsoleWidget w;
w.device()->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); // open the console's QIODevice
QTextStream stream(w.device());
stream << "Hello World!" << endl; // output goes to the widget
The stream can also be used for input
stream << "Enter an integer n = " << flush;
int n;
stream >> n;
The call to waitForReadyRead()
enters a local loop waiting for
the user to enter a command and hit return.
The included example implements a graphical scripting console for QtScript.