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Releases: gapotchenko/Gapotchenko.FX

Gapotchenko.FX 2024.1 (Release build 2024.1.3)

10 Nov 10:48
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After undertaking a substantial development and formalization work for Gapotchenko.FX, we are pleased to release the new version 2024.1 which contains the following improvements, among many others:

  • Added support for .NET 8.0 and .NET 9.0 target frameworks
  • Introduced primitives for interval arithmetic represented by Interval<T> and ValueInterval<T> types provided by Gapotchenko.FX.Math.Intervals module
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Collection.Generic.Deque<T> primitive representing a linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at both ends with O(1) algorithmic complexity
  • Added ability to choose between lowercase or uppercase text output of a case-insensitive data encoding by using DataEncodingOptions.Lowercase and DataEncodingOptions.Uppercase flags
  • Added ability to create streams over contiguous memory regions represented by System.Memory and System.ReadOnlyMemory objects by using ToStream extension method provided by Gapotchenko.FX.Memory module
  • Added Gapotchenko.FX.Memory.SpanEqualityComparer class that allows to compare read-only spans and calculate their hash codes
  • AssemblyAutoLoader now automatically handles probing paths defined by assembly binding redirects
  • Added new InsertSubpath and EntryExists methods to FileSystem class provided by Gapotchenko.FX.IO module
  • Added ReifyCollection LINQ extension method for IEnumerable<T> which allows you to get a read-only view on a sequence of elements
  • Added ability to retrieve connected components of a graph by using Graph<T>.ConnectedComponents property
  • Added ability to supply an additional cancellation token to Gapotchenko.FX.Threading.Tasks.TaskBridge.Execute method
  • Added a functional facility that implements a pipe operator concept.
    The facility is provided in the form of PipeOperator extension method that resides in Gapotchenko.FX.Linq.Operators namespace provided by Gapotchenko.FX.Linq module. It allows you to have a pipe operator functionality in .NET languages that do not natively provide pipe operators
  • Use hardware-accelerated CRC-32C checksum algorithm implementation when it is available
  • Deprecated Gapotchenko.FX.Math.Topology module in favor of a formalized Gapotchenko.FX.Math.Graphs module
  • Polyfills:
    • Added polyfill for required properties introduced in C# 11.0
    • Added polyfills for System.Range and System.Index types. They are used by the C# compiler to support the range syntax
    • Added ExceptBy, IntersectBy and UnionBy LINQ polyfills for IEnumerable<T>
    • Added Order and OrderDescending LINQ polyfills for IEnumerable<T>
    • Added Chunk LINQ polyfill for IEnumerable<T>
    • Added EndsWith LINQ polyfill for IEnumerable<T>
    • Added polyfill for System.ArraySegment<T>.Slice method
    • Added polyfill for System.IO.Path.GetRelativePath method
    • Added polyfill for System.IO.Path.TrimEndingDirectorySeparator method
    • Added polyfills for ReadExactly and ReadAtLeast methods of System.IO.Stream type
    • Added polyfill for System.Char.Equals(System.Char, System.StringComparison) method
    • Added polyfill for System.String.Contains(System.Char, System.StringComparison) method
    • Added polyfill for System.String.GetHashCode(System.StringComparison) method
    • Added polyfills for Split and SplitAny methods of System.ReadOnlySpan<char> type
    • Added polyfill for ReadSpan method of System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer type
    • Added polyfill for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerArgumentExpressionAttribute type
    • Added polyfills for System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WaitAsync and System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TResult>.WaitAsync methods
    • Added polyfill for System.Diagnostics.StackTraceHiddenAttribute type
    • Added polyfill for System.Diagnostics.UnreachableException type
    • Added polyfill for System.Collections.Generic.Queue<T>.TryDeque method
    • Added polyfill for System.Collections.Generic.OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> type
    • Added polyfill for System.IO.Path.Join method
    • Added polyfills for System.Math.BitIncrement and System.Math.BitDecrement methods
    • Added polyfill for System.Threading.Lock type
    • Removed System.HashCode polyfill implementation in favor of Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode package
  • .NET Framework 4.6 support is retired. The minimal supported version of .NET Framework is 4.6.1
  • Fixed issues:
    • Fixed case-sensitivity of a text data encoding padding character. This is important for data encodings that use custom padding characters
    • Fixed issue in Gapotchenko.FX.Collections.Generic.AssociativeArray<TKey, TValue> type with accessing IEnumerable<T>.Current property without checking the result of a prior call to MoveNext method
    • Fixed assembly name comparison bug in Gapotchenko.FX.Reflection.Loader module
    • Fixed a bug with the null key in IDictionary.Remove method of AssociativeArray<TKey, TValue> type
    • Fixed a bug with the null key in IDictionary.Contains method of AssociativeArray<TKey, TValue> type
    • Fixed a bug with the null key in IDictionary.this[TKey] getter method of AssociativeArray<TKey, TValue> type
    • Fixed a bug with a non-existing key handling in IDictionary.this[TKey] getter method of AssociativeArray<TKey, TValue> type

Gapotchenko.FX 2022.2 (Release build 2022.2.7)

01 May 20:47
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  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Encoding module that defines a wireframe for data encoding algorithms
  • New Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Encoding.Base16 module provides a ready-to-use implementation of popular data encoding algorithms belonging to Base16 family
  • New Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Encoding.Base24 module provides a ready-to-use implementation of data encoding algorithms belonging to Base24 family: Kuon Base24
  • New Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Encoding.Base32 module provides a ready-to-use implementation of popular data encoding algorithms belonging to Base32 family: Base32, base32-hex, Crockford Base 32, z-base-32
  • New Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Encoding.Base64 module provides a ready-to-use implementation of popular data encoding algorithms belonging to Base64 family: Base64, Base64 URL
  • Added ability to read the command-line arguments of a running OS process
  • Improved multi-platform support. Reached the functional parity between Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms

Gapotchenko.FX 2022.1 (Release build 2022.1.4)

06 Apr 22:20
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  • Added support for .NET 7.0 target framework
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Security.Cryptography module
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Integrity.Checksum module and primitives for cyclic redundancy check (CRC) calculations.
    They are grouped by family and provided by the corresponding modules:
    Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Integrity.Checksum.Crc8, Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Integrity.Checksum.Crc16, Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Integrity.Checksum.Crc32
  • Improved documentation
  • Process.GetImageFileName() extension method provided by Gapotchenko.FX.Diagnostics.Process module now returns null when a process is not associated with an image file
  • Fixed issue GH-2 that could lead to System.IO.EndOfStreamException exception in Process.ReadEnvironmentVariables() method provided by Gapotchenko.FX.Diagnostics.Process module

Gapotchenko.FX 2021.2 (Release build 2021.2.20)

17 Jan 21:11
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  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Math.Topology module that provides Graph<T> type and accompanying primitives including topological sorting
  • New FileSystem.PathEquivalenceComparer property returns the file path string comparer that takes into account path normalization and equivalence rules of the host environment
  • New AssociativeArray key/value map primitive which is similar to Dictionary<TKey, TValue> but handles the whole space of key values including null
  • New string metric functions: DamerauLevenshteinDistance, HammingDistance, JaroDistance, LcsDistance, OsaDistance
  • Added PriorityQueue polyfill
  • Added IEnumerable<byte> AsEnumerable() polyfill for System.IO.Stream
  • Added LongIndexOf LINQ polyfill
  • Added TryGetNonEnumeratedCount LINQ polyfill
  • Improved support for .NET 6.0 target framework
  • Improved AssemblyAutoLoader which can now work simultaneously with app domains and assembly load contexts
  • String metric functions now take an optional maxDistance parameter that limits computational resources required to calculate the distance

Gapotchenko.FX 2021.1 (Release build 2021.1.5)

06 Jul 15:42
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  • Added support for .NET 6.0 target framework
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Memory module
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Math.Geometry module
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Math.Combinatorics module
  • Added MathEx.Clamp function that clamps a value to the specified range
  • Added MathEx.Lerp function that performs linear interpolation between two values by the specified coefficient
  • Added AppInformation.For(assembly) static function that retrieves app information for a specified assembly
  • Added LINQ function that simultaneously determines whether any elements of a sequence satisfy the specified conditions ((bool, bool) IEnumerable<T>.Any(Func<T, bool> predicate1, Func<T, bool> predicate2) with higher dimensional overloads)
  • Added ConsoleEx.ReadPassword function for reading a password from the console
  • Added System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ModuleInitializerAttribute polyfill
  • Added SkipLast and TakeLast LINQ polyfills
  • Added System.Collections.Generic.ReferenceEqualityComparer polyfill
  • Added MemberNotNullAttribute and MemberNotNullWhenAttribute nullability annotation polyfills
  • Added GetValueOrDefault polyfills for IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>
  • Added TryAdd and Remove(key, out value) polyfills for IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
  • Added System.Numerics.BitOperations.PopCount(ulong) polyfill
  • Improved performance of a thread-safe LINQ memoization
  • Fixed nullability annotations for MathEx.Min and MathEx.Max functions
  • Fixed nullability annotations for LazyInitializerEx class
  • Fixed issue with UTF-8 BOM encoding returned by CommandLine.OemEncoding on Windows when system locale is set to UTF-8
    (cmd.exe cannot consume UTF-8 with BOM)
  • Fixed potential thread safety issues that could occur on architectures with weaker memory models

Gapotchenko.FX 2020.1 (Release build 2020.1.15)

05 Nov 21:30
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  • Added support for .NET 5.0 target framework
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.AppModel.Information module that allows to programmatically retrieve information about the app
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Console module that provides virtual terminal functionality, console traits and a powerful MoreTextWriter primitive for improved user friendliness of your console apps
  • Added nullability annotations for public module APIs
  • Added System.MathF polyfill
  • Added polyfills for nullable annotation attributes
  • Added polyfill for init-only property setters
  • Added Fn.Ignore(value) function that ignores a specified value for languages that do not have a built-in equivalent. A typical usage is to fire and forget a parallel Task without producing a compiler warning
  • Added Process.GetImageFileName() method that allows to retrieve the file name of a running process without security limitations imposed by the host OS
  • Added bool ISet.AddRange(collection) extension method that allows to add elements to a set in bulk
  • Added CommandLine.EscapeArgument and CommandLine.EscapeFileName methods
  • .NET Framework 4.0 target is retired. The minimal supported .NET Framework version is 4.5
  • Fixed issue with ambiguous match of IsNullOrEmpty polyfill method of HashSet<T> type that occurred in .NET 4.6+, .NET Standard 2.0+ and .NET Core 2.0+ target frameworks
  • Fixed issue with ambiguous match of ToHashSet polyfill method of IEnumerable<T> type that occurred in .NET 4.7.2+ target frameworks
  • Fixed issue in Process.ReadEnvironmentVariables() method with environment variable blocks longer than 32768 bytes
  • Fixed issue in WebBrowser.Launch(url) method that might cause an erroneous interpretation of ? and & URL symbols by a web browser on Windows hosts

Gapotchenko.FX 2019.3 (Release build 2019.3.7)

07 Feb 16:40
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  • Added support for .NET Core 3.0 target framework
  • Introduced Sequential and DebuggableParallel primitives in Gapotchenko.FX.Threading module.
    Both primitives constitute drop-in replacements for System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel and are useful for debugging purposes
  • Added CommandLine.OemEncoding property that gets OEM encoding used by Windows command line and console applications
  • Added ability to create LINQ expressions from functions via Gapotchenko.FX.Fn primitive
  • Added IndexOf(IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> value) and IndexOf(IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> value, IEqualityComparer<T>) LINQ methods
  • Implemented polyfill for Enumerable.ToHashSet<T> operation
  • Implemented polyfills for BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits and Int32BitsToSingle operations
  • Implemented polyfills to the future for WaitForExit(CancellationToken) and WaitForExit(int, CancellationToken) methods of System.Diagnostics.Process type
  • Implemented polyfill for SwitchExpressionException
  • Empty.Task is not suggested by the code editor when it is natively provided by the host platform
  • Fixed issue with ambiguous match of Append and Prepend polyfills for IEnumerable<T> type for some target frameworks
  • Fixed issue with binding redirects handling in Gapotchenko.FX.Reflection.Loader module that could lead to StackOverflowException under specific conditions

Gapotchenko.FX 2019.2 (Release build 2019.1.20)

07 Feb 16:38
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  • Added support for .NET Standard 2.1 target framework
  • Added System.Numerics.BitOperations polyfill with Log2 and PopCount hardware-accelerated operations
  • Added ability to nullify specific integer values in Empty functional primitive
  • Added ability to canonicalize a file path with FileSystem.CanonicalizePath method. It works as follows: the alternative directory separators are replaced with native ones; the duplicate adjacent separators are removed
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Reflection.Loader module. It provides a versatile AssemblyAutoLoader type that can be used to automatically find and load assembly dependencies in various dynamic scenarios
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Data.Linq module. Currently it provides async operations for LINQ to SQL technology
  • Introduced Gapotchenko.FX.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryOperations class that provides highly-optimized block operations for memory
  • Introduced intrinsic compiler for hardware-accelerated operations
  • Implemented ProcessArchitecture and OSArchitecture properties in System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation polyfill
  • Improved wording of ProgramExitException message

Gapotchenko.FX 2019.1 (Release build 2019.1.151)

30 Mar 23:12
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  • Fixed a critical omission with TaskBridge namespace
  • Improved wording in summary tags

Gapotchenko.FX 2019.1 (Release build 2019.1.150)

29 Mar 00:50
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