We wish to implement a function that stacks arbitrary GLTF models, in a manner similar to tetris.
We will trigger a function to perform a shapecast query, then use the results to update the state of the model to be dropped.
The function should do a downward shapecast from a specified X/Z position, using the duck model. Ideally the origin Y position would be Infinity
, but using a number like 1000 is acceptable.
const three = useThree();
const shapecastDown = ({
origin: [
y = Infinity, // this is preferable but 1000 is ok
}) => {
return {
object, // what object we landed on
yOffset, // Y position of duck
The function will return a reference or ID for the first model that the shapecast contacts, and the position of the contact.
- We are centering models using [X, Y + height/2, Z] (see blue dots).
- Models will have arbritrary rotations applied.
- We will position the duck relative to the shell position, not world coordinates, however this just needs to be possible, and does not need to be implemented.