Gardr plugin to collapse sections (typically banners, but can be used for anything) that are less than a minimum number of pixels (default 10).
npm install gardr-plugin-host-collapse --save
Add these to your hostBundle.js file:
var collapse = require('gardr-plugin-host-collapse');
The plugin will be called for each item after render, and will set display: none on any that are less than the minimum number of pixels.
The default minimum is 10 pixels. You can also configure your own threshold using gardr options (define-options). The plugin will use the configured options if they exist.
Configure custom thresholds like this, in script.js:
var gardr = gardrHost({
iframeUrl: '', // cross-domain
collapseIfWidthLessThan : 20,
collapseIfHeightLessThan : 20