Official Garmin Pay Java SDK
The Garmin Pay SDK is a direct link to the Garmin Pay platform and allows bank issuers to easily provision a users card directly to a Garmin Pay wallet. This SDK is intended to be used in Direct Push Provisioning scenarios and will return a deeplink for iOS and Android clients which can be used to have users finish the provisioning process in the Garmin Connect Mobile app. The deeplink sends a user to the Garmin Connect Mobile app where they will then have their card added to the wallet.
It is important to note that oAuth and payload encryption are abstracted away by the SDK. Anytime the checkHealthStatus
or registerCard
methods are called oAuth tokens to authenticate with Garmin Pay services are generated or used if previously generated. Anytime registerCard
is called with a card, the card is encrypted securely to be sent to Garmin Pay.
Please contact Garmin for onboarding instructions for your use case.
- Java 1.8 or later
implementation "com.garmin:garminpay:1.0.2"
Manually install the JAR
import com.garminpay.GarminPayClient;
public class GarminPayExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create GarminPayClient with default HttpClient
GarminPayClient client = new GarminPayClient("clientId", "clientSecret");
This SDK allows for users to customize their own HttpClient for proxying and request configuration. We use Apache HttpClient.
import com.garminpay.GarminPayClient;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.HttpClients;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpHost;
public class GarminPayExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Proxy settings
String proxyHost = "";
int proxyPort = 8080;
// Create proxy HTTP host
HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);
// Create HttpClient with proxy configuration
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom()
// Create GarminPayClient with custom HttpClient
GarminPayClient client = new GarminPayClient("clientId", "clientSecret", httpClient);
Initializing Garmin Pay as a Spring Bean may also be beneficial for your uses.
import com.garminpay.GarminPayClient;
import com.garminpay.exception.GarminPayBaseException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class GarminPayConfigExample {
public GarminPayClient garminPayClient() {
log.debug("Creating GarminPayClient");
try {
return new GarminPayClient("clientId", "clientSecret");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Handle this exception how you see fit
log.warn("Failed to create GarminPayClient", e);
Note: Note: if the client credentials are null or empty, an IllegalArgumentException
will be thrown when the client is initialized. Otherwise, the provided credentials will be validated on the first request made to the Garmin Pay platform; not during client initialization.
The checkHealthStatus
method will return a boolean representing the status of the Garmin Pay platform.
public class CheckHealthExample {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Check health of GarminPay platform
if (client.checkHealthStatus()) {
// Register card
} else {
// Handle when GP platform is down
The registerCard
method takes in a GarminPayCardData
object that is the card information that should be provisioned. It also takes a callbackUrl
URI object that will be used to return to the issuer app after GCM has attempted provisioning.
public class RegisterCardExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create Address object
Address garminPayAddress = Address.builder()
// Create GarminPayCardData object
GarminPayCardData garminPayCardData = GarminPayCardData.builder()
URI callbackUrl = URI.create("");
// registerCard with Garmin Pay platform
RegisterCardResponse response = client.registerCard(garminPayCardData, callbackUrl);
The GarminPayCardData object requires that the pan
field be present. The SDK allows for all other fields to be optional.
However, by not providing critical information such as cvv
and expiration dates, the card network may reject the provision request.
The RegisterCardResponse
objects returns a deepLinkUrl
to Garmin Connect Mobile (GCM) for both iOS and Android as well as the corresponding pushId, or it will throw a relevant exception.
RegisterCardResponse Example
"deepLinkUrl": "",
"pushId": "3D5cc48e79-ae29-4e85-ac12-6b7b05c790ee"
Note that the deepLinkUrl
has appended the callbackUrl
that was passed in as a parameter in the registerCard
method with the pushId
appended to the callbackUrl
Any request made through the SDK may return a response signaling that the platform is undergoing maintenance. If this happens, the SDK will throw a GarminPayMaintenanceException.
public class CheckHealthExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch (GarminPayMaintenanceException e) {
// Handle GP platform maintenance mode
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mvn license:format
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mvn license:remove
- Navigate to Intellij IDEA -> Settings -> Editor -> Copyright
- Change the Default project copyright to "Garmin Pay Software License Agreement"