Contains helpers that make my day-to-day workflow easier
This file sets up the psql history and a few nice aliases.
- shows the progress of index creationlist_blocked
- shows the blocked querieslist_blocked_no_limit
- shows the blocked queries without a limitlist_long_running
- shows the long running querieslist_long_running_no_limit
- shows the long running queries without a limit
Use these via a psql session like this:
Here is what I've done to make gh cli a lot easier to manage and deal with. It makes working in git a lot
easier for me. Generally I do a lot with github every day -- so having gh
installed is great.
brew install gh
gh auth login
The settings I have in place are:
Seen via gh config list
See for the full list of aliases and their usages.
Import via gh alias import gh_alias.yml
clean-up: !gh co-default && git pull
clup: !gh clean-up
co: pr checkout
co-default: !branch="$( gh default-branch)"; [ -n "$branch" ] && git checkout $branch
co-pr: !gh clean-up && gh pr-branch-name $1 | xargs git checkout
create-pod-pr: !team="$( gh team-members $TEAM_ENV)"; [ -n "$team" ] && gh pr create -r "$team" -r "$ORG/$TEAM_ENV"
default-branch: !gh api /repos/{owner}/{repo} --jq '.default_branch'
list-team-prs: !gh team-members-new-line $TEAM_ENV | xargs -L1 -I {} gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=@me --json url --author {} --jq ".[].url"
list-team-prs--open: !gh team-members-new-line $TEAM_ENV | xargs -L1 -I {} gh search prs --state=open --json url --author {} --jq ".[].url"
needs-review: !gh search prs --state=open --review-requested=@me --sort created --json url --jq ".[].url"
pr-branch-name: !gh pr list --json url,headRefName --jq ".[] | select(.url == \"$1\") | .headRefName"
team-members: !gh api orgs/u21/teams/$1/members --jq '[.[].login] | join(",")'
team-members-new-line: !gh api orgs/u21/teams/$1/members --jq '[.[].login] | join("\n")'