ESP8266 firmware for AireLibre
Go to and follow the instructions
You can use PlatformIO or Arduino IDE to upload the firmware
Install PlatformIO and...
- Open the project with vscode having the platformio plugin installed
- Click on the right arrow icon on the platformio toolbar
platformio run -t upload
and the code will compile and upload to your connected device (it should be detected automatically)
upload_protocol = espota
and upload just like the previous method.
Install Arduino IDE and...
- Open File -> Preferences and copy the following urls on the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" input text,
and click on Ok
- Install the esp8266 boards family on Tools -> Boards Manager
- Select the corresponding esp8266 board on Tools -> Board: for example the "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini"
Install these libraries by clicking on the Tools -> Manage Libraries...
- WifiConnect Lite
- PubSubClient (by Nick O'Leary)
- ArduinoJson (important! select a version previous to 6.0.0, 5.13.5 i.e.)
Select the correct port on the Tools -> Port: menu
- Upload the sketch using the arrow button or by selecting the Sketch -> Upload menu